Rage and Love

This is a story about a 19 year old girl who gets a job at a Hot Topic store. Her best friends, Mike and Ashley, got her hooked up, you could say. All was well and great at first, she was going to be working at her favorite store and her two best friends, and she'd finally be making an income. Plus, she'd just moved out of her parent's house and got an apartment with Ashley as her roommate. So she couldn't complain about her life, it was going pretty great right now.

That is, until Billie Joe Armstrong came along. She used to see him around the halls in high school and she never liked his stuck up, cocky, attitudish ways. Now, she finds out the brutal truth. There's always a flaw to every great thing in life, Ashley decided not to tell her what this job's flaw consisted of until after she agreed to take the job. Of course, she thought it'd just have something to do with a low pay, but to her, it was far off and much worse.

She'd be working with Billie Joe Armstrong almost everyday. Could she handle that? Would he leave her alone and pay no mind to her at all? Or would he purposely torment her day in and day out until she was forced to quit her job because he'd driven her into complete insanity!

I guess we'll have to see!


I do not owe anything to Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, Tre Cool, or anyone else from, or associated with Green Day. This is simply another one of my fan-fic stories. Hope you enjy your reading! :)
  1. A Day With Friends
    "So me, Mike and Ash are just hanging out, come over." "[i]I was hoping you'd say that. Be there in ten, bye![/i]" I heard a click and shut my phone.
  2. So They Say The First Day Of Work Is Always Fun In
    "Forget you Armstrong." "Even better." "Get over yourself, Armstrong." "Name's Billie." "Oh I'm sorry Bobby." He laughed. "You're a smart ---." "I know, thank you."