Dying Without Your Love


Ur name is Jennifer Stella Covington A.K.A Jenni...
Ur 16 and home schooled with the Jonas Brothers(including frankie). You are best friends with them.
You have dark brown eyes and its dark as in dark sometimes people might think its black. You have brown hair that goes through ur mid back. You're just a simple and sweet girl whose random at times...

Jonas Brothers as in JOE . NICK . KEVIN...
I'm sure u know what they're like...So I dont have to explain..Well, maybe a little..
Joe: The cute funny one.
Nick: The cute sensitive one.
Kevin: The cute romantic one.

You have a best friend and her name is Sylvana Williams A.K.A Syl or Sylvy...She's always there for you and she loves orange...so most of her stuff are orange...
Your other best friend is Alexandra Livingston A.K.A Lexi...She's the girly girl of the group and she talks a lot!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if u dont like the characters...I dont really have a good idea right now..
And I'm not an expert of writing stories..

Peace . Love . Jonas
xoxo, LNS