There Goes My Hero

Where am I ?

I woke up in a bright white room. There were people all around me. 3 of which I had never seen before in my life. A woman with brown eyes and her hair in a tight bun and suit sat down and took my hand. I wriggled to get her to let go.

" Where am I and who are you people wheres john and Milly " I croaked out

The woman spoke out. " Audrey your in hospital, well your adopted and these are your parents and brother"

"You mean my adoptive are dead? " I asked

" Yes but .... Cassandra and James Seward want to take you bak to California with your brother Jonathan."

I just sat stunned by the news. You see I knew I was adopted, I was brought up knowing that i wasn't 'theirs' and my real parents would come for me. I looked at my brother. Wow I looked so like him the same blond hair and brown eyes. I thought and thought. until I looked at my parents and brother. This was it.

" When do we leave and will I need to pack all my stuff " I asked

Cassandra came and hugged me. " The doctor says you can leave today so we can go and help you pack and leave tomorrow." she smiled as she said every word. I glanced and James to he was grinning like a mad man and Johnathan looked just as happy.

We talked over things like what music I was into. Did I play sport? All the things you ask your daughter when you haven't seen her in sixteen years. I was really pleaed they wanted to take me back to California. Me and Johnny seem to get on really well. We both loved music and were both vertically challanged. When I was discharged my parents took me to the house where my stuff was to pack up. When they saw the house and the state of the place they were both shocked and guilty.

You see the house reeked of stale booze. The looks I got were mixture of guilt and sympathy. When they got to my room I opened my room to show it for what it was. A small room with a bed a wardrobe and a beaten-up old eletric guitar. I walked in at took out a stripey suitcase and filled it with band t-shirts, skinny jeans, make up, straightners and my c.d's. I picked up the old gibson and put in it's case. I lifted everything nd gave them a look to say " Can we go now ". James nodded and we walked outside and got ito their escalade. We were off. Finally no more being beaten, rapped or drugged. My real family were taking me home.