There Goes My Hero

Forgive Me

After Matt left I went to the bathroom and took off my make up and changed in my footed pajama's and made my way downstairs. I went to the kitchen and pulled out pasta and a jar of sauce. I did everything I needed to do and pulled myself on to the counter top. I sat and watched the pasta boil.

I had just drained the pasta and was about to add the sauce when.I heard someones phone ring I pulled my self off the counter and started to trace the source of the mysterious ringing noise.

Been a long time since I
Did something good for myself
But why should I be put through hell?
He's doing what he wanna do
I finally found somebody else
Who really wants to make me feel
Things that I've been missing so long
And his love always passed the test
It's a shame I had to look somewhere else
When I'm gone and I need a man
I just hope that he understands
Forgive me baby

I rummaged throught the bag where this was coming from. The ringing stoped and I was about to give up when I felt the vibe from the phone. I pulled it out wait there were like 5 missed calls and 4 messages on this cell. They were all from Brian and wait this is Val's cell.

I finnshed making my lunch and I sat down with the cell and read the mesages

Inbox 472

Most of them were from Brian.


Most of these were to Brian saying that Val's house was free or the other way about. I ate and read the messages. I smirked. What I was doing was feeling so wrong now. I place herbag in te same place and put her phone in my pajama pocket.

I made my way upstairs to get changed and put on more make up.I plled out my phone and dilled Matt's number.

" Hello " He answered

" Hey are you on your own ? " I asked

" yeah Why? "

" I have something to show you "

" sure come over now "

" Give me 5 " and I hung up.

I sliped on my Iron Fist heels and made my way down stairs. I grabed my bag and keys. I pulled out of our drive way with no problems. i drove to Matt's with nothing bu Kurt Cobain Sweetly singing about a man who sold the world and my thoughts.

I pulled in to the Sander's driveway and knocked. Kim answered

" He's in his room go on up " she instructed

" Thanks " I smiled and made my way up the satir case.

I knocked on his door and heard a faint come in. I opened the door and sat on his bed. He pulled him self out of his closet and came over and gave me a kiss. I pulled away and handed him the phone.

" You mightwant to read her messages " I told him softly.

He took the fone and his eyes went wide. In that split second I felt so guilty, but what she was doing was wrong. It was kinda nessassary.

He put her phone on the bed side table. He picked up his phone and pushed a few buttons. I watched on as he put the phone to his ear. I bit down on my lip and looked to the floor.

" Hey is Valery there? It's Matt " he asked

I could just about hearthe breathless voice on the other end.

" Um Val I'm going to be honest things have been awkard this past while and I dont think it's working " He told her

I heard a pleading mumble from the other end.

" Yeah well that's how I feel Val. Let's jst be friends that way you don't have to sneek around to see Brian and whoever else you got lined up. "

With that he hung up. Then along came that infamous smirk.

" Well that leaves me a single man " He commented

" Yup sure does " I mummbled

" So I guess I can ask you if you would go out with me and be my girlfriend "

" Are you asking me out " I blushed

" yeah so what do you think "

" Yeah I'de like that "

He grinned one of the cheesyest grins and I smiled. I had the strage unknown feeling in my stomagh. Wow Matt Sanders, my boyfriend. Who would have thought it.

Val's cell.

Audrey's Outfit


♠ ♠ ♠
Hello Readers.

This is not the end. There is still alot of drama to come. Thankies to Aisling and Nadie who helped me with this today. =D. This was wrote in Chemistry and Biology. so sorry it crappy.

Natalie Shadows

Thankies to my commenters

Allie V
Forever True
My Chemical Rainbow