There Goes My Hero

I love you, but you gotta keep quiet

It was the first day back after the halloween break and be honest I was so nervous. How was Val taking this? What was going to happen when she found ou that I was now going ut with her ex? This day was going to be interesting.

Matt told me he would pick me up for school and to be ready for 8. I got up the next morning with a real smile painted on my pale skin. I got washed and pulled on my black skinny jeans and my low top convese. I started hoking in drawers to find a top. I finnaly found my purple rolling stones. I quickly did my hair and make up brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs.

I sat at the table and my mom put pancakes infront of me. I ate and the doorbell rung. Jhonny lughed at the expression on my face and I ate faster. I hadden't told anyone. We had talked about telling tem but we agreed on telling them at lunch. I put my plate in the dish washer and made my way back up the stairs and into my jewlrey. I pulled on my superstar necklace and my colourful bangles. I picked up my bag and left. I could hear 5 or 6 voices in the kitchen.

I made my way in and smiled and waved. Everyone was there.

" Hey " I giggled

" Jesus someones happy Matt what did you do ?" Brian asked

" Nothing I swear " he answered

" cha cause I belive that "

" I may have asked her out after I dumped Val but I don't see how her being happy is my fault "

This caused everyone looked from me to Matt. Well this is awkward. Gena launched herself at me.

" I'm so happy for you, now I don't have to see you all sad " She gushed.

I went bright red." thankies for that Gena" I replied

" No replied but seriously no more tears "

" Gena shut up please s much as I love you you gotta keep quiet" I laughed

We made our way outside and into the car. I played with the stero in the car so I could listen to Guns 'n' roses. This made everyone laugh so I just grinned showing all my teeth. As Matt parked I started to tence up. I think everyone senced it beacause evryone kept telling me that Val would be okay.

Matt wrapped his arm round my waist protectavly as we made our way in. Then I saw her. Val. If looks could kill I would be 4000 feet under by now. She made her way up to me. I had never seen someone change so fast. She looked like on of those fake modles in the fashion magazine in er pink skirt white top and pink shoes.

Her strides were long and she was getting to up faster than I thought.

Oh god we are so screwed

" Matt you dumped me for her are you blind " She asked jelously dripped off everyword.

" Yeah I did but I'm not blind. come on guys " with those words we were walking away.

I was guided to the tree where we sat. I sat down and pulled my knees up so I could rest my chin. Little did I know the day was going from bad to worse. The bell rung and we made our way to home room. I took a seat at the back like normal and The rest sat round me. I got dirrty looks and stares. If that didn't bother me then when Corey Camrons slamed me into a locker and then proceeded to put me into the locker I lost it.

Why me? What had I done wrong. I stood in the locker banging ang bangindscreaming for help. But no-one came . I was just about to give up when the owner or the locker was kind enough to let me out. She had lond brown hair and the same sort of eye's as Matt even their dimples were alike. She was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans a t-shirt that said pump up the beat bright green converse a green dimond shaped necklace and a big tiger print bangle.

" Thankies for getting me out I'm Audrey Seward " I explained

" No problem, Your new right ? I'm Lauren Sanders. " She spoke

" Yeah, are you anythin to Matt Sanders? "

" yeah twin how do you know him "

" He would be the boyfriend " I explained

" he got rid of Val? " her voice was full of joy

" Yeah "

" Oh Thank god. Ohh so your the Audrey he talks non stop about "

I laughed " how bout you come eat lunch with me " I asked

" I don't know I never really go near Matt unless it's important "

" come on please for me " I even gave puppy eyes

"okay okay I give. " she laughed.

" meet me here in 10 cause I gotta go pee" I explained

" okay okay go " she laughed harder.

There really did seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Audreys outfit

Val's Outfit

Laurens Outfit and mobile and Ipod
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Two more subcribers lol I'm happy

Thank you to all the comments.
Allie V
Forever true.

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