There Goes My Hero

Am I ?

Since that party I have been throwing up in the morning constant and I can't stand the smell or taste of coffee. Which isn't like me because I practically live on the stuff. I had a doctors appointment today. I had a suspicion I was pregnant but I wasn't sure. I hadn't told anyone yet. Matt knows there's something wrong because I'm 'distant'. I mean come on how am I meant to be close to him when I might have to just say "Hey Matt I know were only going out 3 months and 2 days but I'm pregnant with your kid". Come on how awkward is that going to be.

That night Lauren and Brian got together. They are so cute honestly it's like watching like two love sick puppy's. Today we were just sitting at lunch like we normally do when my phone went of.

I picked it up.

" Hello Doctor " I said

" Hello Miss Seward we have your results back if you want to pop in and collect them " He told me in his unnaturally cheerfull voice.

" Yes I'll be down in a few. "

" See you soon Miss " and then he hung up.

I rubbed my hands over my face and tried to hide the tears that were threatening to spill. I got up and took the keys from my pocket and drove down to the doctors surgery. I parked close to the door and went inside.

I approched the reception desk. There were all these couples sitting round holding hands and laughing. God only knew how much I wanted Matt here. I just stared at my blood red chucks and picked at my skinny jeans. The doctor called out what seemed like gazillons of names before mine.

When he did get round to calling out mine I froze. This was it. The moment of truth. I got up off the hard plasic chair and shuffled into the room. I started to play with my necklace whilst the doctor started to poke through records and other medical things.

He pulled out one of those brown envelopes and opened it. He took what seemed like ages at that too.

" Ahh " He sighed

" So Doctor whats the verdict " I asked

" Congratulations Miss Seward your about 3 months pregnant if you go out I'm sure we can get you a time for a scan just to cheack how things are. "

I let a small squeek out of my mouth. There was one question running through my mind.

How the hell do I tell Matt ?

Audreys Outfit

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Yay there you go Lauren you got Syn hope's you is happy. This would have been up sooner but my birthday was the 11th and since then it's been people coming over and going places so here it is ^^^^

Happy 27th Zacky
Happy 50th Niki Sixx
And happy birthday me!

Thank you to my commenters

Allie V
Forever True
My Chemical Rainbow.

Comments please