There Goes My Hero

I'll never feel alone again with you by my side

I was standing in the kitchen stirring a mug of tea. I was about to bring it in to the living room where I was previously sitting with Matt and my brother and Lauren. That was untill I felt the hardest kick from my stomagh. I rubbed my stomagh muttering for Peyton to be nice and stop kicking her mom. She kicked again but this time it was worse. I let out a scream of pain.

I heard foots steps making their way to the kitchen. I was hunched over trying to breath and then my waters broke.

" Oh shit umm Johnny go get Audreys bag from our room. Lauren go get my keys " Matt told them the worry in his frantic voice.

Matt lifted me and took me and put me into the car. I tried to close my eyes and just count to ten but that just wasn't working. I heard 3 doors slam and then Matt decied to speed to the hospital. Peyton kicked again and again and it wasn't going down well.

" Matt hurry the fudge up Peyton want's out now and your slow ass driving isn't helping " I shouted through my gritted teeth.

Matt chuckled and pulled into the hospital. He lifted me out of the car and ran into the reception with me. I burried my head into his cheast and just waited. I was then placed into a wheel chair and taken to a room where a doctor stood with her white rubber gloves on.

They made me change into one of those hospital gowns. I lay back on the hospital bed. The doctor came back checking to see if i was fully dilated yet. I was. Thank the lord I couldn't take another minute of this.

" Okay Audrey on the count of three I want a big push please. " The doctor asked all smiles.

" One , Two , Three Push" she counted

I pushed. I started to cry I couldn't do this. I was going to be a horrible mom.

" I cant do it I can't " I cried.

" Audrey stop it you can she's here our little girl just one more push and that's it. I promise " Matt cooed

I breathed deep and nodded. It was amazing how he could make me feel. He could fix everything. I gave one more push and that I heard the smallest of cry's that was her.

" Dad would you like to cut the cord " the Doctor asked

Matt just nodded. It was amazing you couldn't get him to shut up most times and now he was just speechless. He cut the cord and the doctor gave Peyton to Matt.

" Hey you. I'm your dad and this is you mom " Matt greeted her befor handing her to me.

She was perfect she had Matt's nose and eye's and mouth. But she had the same shape of face as me and Johnny had.

The nurse came in and took her to clean her up. She was perfect and she was mine. Another nurse came and took me to the room where I would stay untill I was aloud home.

I got off the bed and went into the shower room and took a shower. I pulled on my hello kitty tank top and plaid bottems. I wen back and got in to the bed I poked around in the case untill I found a sleep suit for a new born. It was pink and had an elephant and girraffes on it. It seemed cute. At that moment a nurse wheeled Peyton in.

I picked her. I spread my legs and placed her in between them I started to put her in her new sleep suit when everyone just came into the room. We sat and talked and Peyton was passed arround.

Then the two people I lest expect to be here came through the doors. I was not happy. I scraped my hair into a rough pony tail and pulled my fringe back with an orange hair band.

" Aww look at her she's adorable ain't she James " Cassandra cooed looking at her grandchild.

" Mom what are you doing here you too dad " i asked

" well Johnny rang and tld us he was heading to the hospital and that he would be home late so we came down to check he was ok when we found this lot and we followed them " She explained

" Mom you kicked me out, you and dad told me you wanted nothing to do with me and this baby and now your here I don't get you. "

" What's her name " my dad inquired

" Peyton Lilly Sanders " Matt told him the venom in his voice creeping through

" Listen Love I didn't mean what I said Why don't you just come home. You could give Polly up for adoption and get on with your life and then go find her when you feel ready " My mom told me.

" MOM her name is PEYTON. P.E.Y.T.O.N and no I will not give her away and come back home. My little girl needs me not some other set of parents. Me and Mat are her parent's not anyone else. I want her to call me mom not some stranger. You might have been able to give me up cause you didn't give a damn. But I can't do that to her I care about my daughter " I yelled

" I'm glad I gave you up. I'm sorry I ever went to get you. I wish I had just let you lie there and die "

By this stage Matt was up on his feet and I was crying Johnny had started to comfort me. The girls stood shocked and the guys were trying to calm Matt down.

" I think it's time you left. You've upset Audrey enough don't you think " Matt spat

" She was a mistake. I'm sorry I didn't get rid of you " my 'mom' spat.

" LEAVE " Matt yelled.

My mom and dad left and I was left everyone staring at me. I wiped the tears as fast as I could. A nurse walked into the room. She was all smiles all I wanted to do was knock that stupid smile off he face.

" Okay Dearie we have to register the baby have you got a name " she asked

" Peyton Lilly Sander " I told the nurse

" Umm I'm sorry but your last name is Seward I'm Confused I thought "

" You thought wrong she has her fathers last name it's Peyton Lilly Sanders" I told her firmly

She walked right back out of the room mumbling somthing.

Matt sat back down and took his daughter in his arms and started to sing a familiar song to her.

Your hazel green tint eyes watching every move I make.
And that feeling of doubt, it's erased.
I'll never feel alone again with you by my side.
You're the one, and in you I confide.

And we have gone through good and bad times.
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me.
And your loves always been true as can be.
I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

And we have gone through good and bad times.
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me.
And your loves always been true as can be.
I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

I smiled as he sang her to sleep. He was going to be a great dad. I Lay down resting my head on the pillow. The guys all said their goodbyes and left not before giving hugs and kisses and 'man hugs' to both me matt and Peyton.

Matt sank into the chair again and I just lay as he played with my hair and sang to me. I fell asleep not before I heard Matt telling methat that was 'my song' Things were slightly messed up. But I had Matt and Peyton and thats all I needed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know Matt wrote warmess on the soul for val but this worked for my song

Okay now for anyone who has subscribed I breaking up one of the couples. The first person to tell me who they want broken up can have that person about 3-4 chapters later. It's just an idea if you think it sucks just say so.

Comments ?

Peace & Love

Natalie Shadows