There Goes My Hero

Joe Perry!

I got out of my car leaving Matt in the passenger seat. I was only going to be a couple of minutes. Peyton hadn't come out of school and I had to go and find her. I had been planning to take her to get her Halloween costume. Brian was having some Halloween party. Last minute thing and of course we just had to go. I was kinda looking forward to it. As I approached the school building a few mothers looked in my direction and started to whisper in groups. I clutched my bag tighter and started to make my strides longer. Normally I wasn't this paranoid.

When I got inside the building I went to Peyton's classroom. There she stood at the front of the room arms crossed over her chest huffing. Mrs Simmons sat in her chair looking at my little girl as though she had just killed her dog. He head snapped up making her curls bounce. I held my arms open for her to give me a hug.

"Hey sweetie. How come your not out yet?" I asked picking her up.

"Miss Seward I would appreciate it if you could teach your daughter to behave." Mrs Simmons word were coated in venom

"What did she do?" I questioned.

"She started a fight with one of the other students." she spat as though it were my fault.

"Well can you explain why?"

"Yes. As the class was packing up to leave I asked everyone what their plans were and everyone said they planned to go trick or treating. Peyton here told everyone that she was going to her uncle Sin's house."

"How did this start a fight.?" I was completely confused

"Well one of the girls pointed out that he wasn't really her uncle Peyton insisted he was and the other child then said that he wasn't and that her father probably wasn't her father."

"Excuse me. So how is my daughter in trouble." I was fuming the were five year old going on six.

"Well Peyton slapped her and the little girl was obviously hurt."

"Yes after this child telling her that Matt wasn't her father which I can tell you now he is. How dare you tell me this is Peyton's fault. How is this other child being dealt with" I asked

"Well she isn't seeing as they were only childish words."

"Which emotionally hurt my daughter. So physical or emotional a child was still hurt. So now are you going to deal with it?"

"Just leave please I have taken this as far as I can." She snapped

I shook my head and set Peyton back on the ground taking her small hand and marching out to the car. I strapped her into her seat and sped off toward the mall.

"Mommy are you mad at me?" her small voice asked

"Sweetie why would I be mad at you?" I asked

"Cause I hit Samantha. I didn't mean too but she made me mad. Like when uncle Johnny gets mad when he cant play the right chords." she explained

"Peyton princess listen to me I am not mad. I'm mad at your teacher. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself." I said smiling

"Should I even ask?" Matt smiled looking from me to a giggling Peyton in the back

"I'll tell you later. As for now Missy. What are you dressing up as?" I asked changing the subject

"I wanna be Joe Perry!" She announced happily.

I shook my head laughing and continued the drive. When we pulled up at the mall I took one look at all the cars. I groaned and told Peyton to wait in the car. I dashed in to hot topic quickly.

"Hey spike any more white spray hair stuff left?" I asked

"Yeah one tin?" he explained

I set five dollars down on the counter top

"Will that cover it? " I hollered

"Yeah. See ya later Drey." he waved

I walked back out to the car to see Peyton had fallen asleep and Matt was listening to Metallica.

I threw him the can of spray to hold.

"So what went down that Peyton though she was in trouble" Matt yawned

"Some kid was picking on her telling her that her uncle Syn wasn't her real uncle and that your not her real father" I spat

"You what so why would she be in trouble." He was confused

"She hit the git." I smiled

"That's my girl." He smiled looking in on her.

I drove back to the house and let Matt wake Peyton and bring her in whilst I lifted in shopping and the tin of paint. We were supposed to be at Brian's for half five. I rolled my eyes and started to change in to my 'costume'. Okay so I pulled on some normal clothes and stuck a tiara in my hair but the confrontation in the school sorta put me off. It had annoyed me.

Peyton pulled on her skinnies and her shirt and I sprayed a white stripe down her hair and handed her an old guitar one of the guys got her in a baby size. Matt pulled on his costume and we were ready to go. When we pulled up there were various cars parked along the street. I parked quickly and we went inside.

"Oh your no fun. Where's your costume?" Gena complained

"Right here princess peach" I smirked pointing to the lopsided tiara.

She thrust a bottle of becks into my hands.

There were squeals of coming from the kitchen. I shook my head and made my way there dragging Gena behind me.

"Uncle Syn I didn't wanna be you or uncle Zacky. I wanted to be Joe Perry" Peyton Laughed

"Hey Syn leave my kid alone. " I joked

"Hey your not dressed up." He pouted

"Eh no. Could be bothered to be honest" I smiled innocently.

"Mommy can we trick or treat now?" The small Joe Perry asked

"Come on then."

"Yeah can Kenna come too?" she asked eyes wide

"I don't see that's a problem if Papa Gates says okay."

She ran off in search of Papa Gates only to come back moments later with McKenna.

I took both girls down each side of the street. Peyton was fed up having to explain her costume. I didn't think anyone would get it but it made her happy. We went back with both girls grinning from ear to ear and bags full of candy. They raced upstairs to the bedroom Mckenna had claimed when Syn bought the place.

When I entered the kitchen filled with our various friends the room went silent. All eyes were on me or Matt. This was creepy. It was all like slow motion really. I could hear whispers and giggles. Matt was making his way closer. I must have forgotten how to breath. Suddenly Matt was down on one knee with a ring. I repeat he had a ring!

"I know this probably isn't the best time to do this but nearly six years ago on Halloween at 11.59pm I kissed you for the first time. So Tonight at 11.59pm I'm going to ask you to marry me. Cause I'm sure I want to spent the rest of my life with you." He smiled show the dimples that should come with a health warning.

So he had just proposed to me.
So guess what I did.
Yeah I fainted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Halloween.
Also Happy Birthday Gena Paulhus and Frank Iero!
Sorry it took so long but I finally had an idea to keep me going.
Thank you so much to those people who commented last time and encouraged me to keep going. Now Links!

Joe Perry
That was because a lot of people told me Joe Perry didn't have a white streak in his hair. ( Cough Cough Lauren. ) Just wanted to prove a point

Audreys Ring
The Girls costumes
The Guys costume
Peytons School outfit
Audrey Pick up outfit
Audreys 'costume'
And Finally
Peytons 'Costume'

Thank you. Comments are very much appreciated!

Natalie V xXx