There Goes My Hero

Don't feel like drinking is all

“Peyton, hurry up please.” I called down the hallway before making my way back into the kitchen to drink the rest of my orange juice and eat the rest of the pancakes Lacey had made me.

“I Don’t wanna go!” She huffed still in her Disney p.j’s.

“Sweetie I’m going to be late for this new job and if you go I promise, we can go to the park after school.” I pleaded

“NO.” She screamed

“Peyton Lilly Sanders, get dressed now.” I groaned in frustration.

“No, I’m not going.” she insisted.

“Drey, let her stay home, I’ll take her to see…him and the park, you get off to work.” Lacey smiled

“Lace, I can’t ask you to do that.” I frowned feeling guilty

“You didn’t ask I offered now go make V.U look pretty.” She laughed handing me my keys.

I had given up my job at Hot Topic, to find something that paid a little better. Of course Johnny couldn’t keep his mouth shut and so here I was on my way to Vengeance University do draw up a few new designs with Zack for the new line.

“Okay, okay, I owe you big time Lace, Peyton be good for Auntie Lacey and please don’t break anything, I have my cell with me, and I’m only at Zacky’s if something goes wrong.” I smiled at them both.

“Mommy, you look pwetty and I love you.” Peyton grinned wrapping her arms wrong my waist in a hug.

I kissed her forehead and made my way out the door. I drove down the street and about 10 minutes around the corner from Johnny’s house was Zacky’s. They all lived so close to each other. Except Jimmy he wanted to live out of everyone’s road. I picked up my wallet and book and got out of my car.

“Well hello, don’t you look all pretty today, trying to steal my boyfriend are we?” Gena laughed

“Not a chance Gena he’s all yours. I just figured I need to grow up a little.” I laughed back.

“Well, you look awesome dear, I got your message if you call over to Costa Mesa , when your on lunch and I’ll do it then.” She grinned walking backward to her car.

“Thanks Gee, you’re an absolute star babe.” I giggle walking into her house.

I shut the door and walked into the kitchen to find Zacky sitting eating pancakes over the sink.

“You know Zacky, you have a kitchen table.” I said jokingly

“Hey, how’s my favourite employee.” He sniggered

“I’m great, things are looking up for sure. You?” I asked

“I need you help, I’m gonna ask Gena to marry me.” He said slowly waiting and registering the look upon my face.

He looked scared when a grin broke out on to my face and my eyes lit up. Before I could even say anything tho, Brian broke in.

“I did it, she said yes.” He shouted he was grinning from ear to ear and then he saw me.
“Okay, just from that last statement I’m gonna guess you asked Lauren to marry you and she said yes?” I guessed.

“Umm, yea.” He said slowly

“Would you two quit acting like I’m fragile, it didn’t work out for me and Matt, but lets face it you love those two girls to death, and I know for sure that you’re gonna make it work and have lots of little mini Zacky and Brian’s running about.” I scolded them

“Really? You really think so?” Brian asked his brown eyes lighting up.

“Yes I really do, now go, do what ever it was you were doing before you broke into Zacky’s house.” I winked

“Oh god… Drey no… we weren’t …” He stammered falling over his words making me and Zacky bust up laughing , we ended up laughing so hard we were leaning on each other for support .

“Really… convincing …argument… Bri.” Zacky said sarcastically between fits of laughter.

“You know what, I was only going to say we were going out to celebrate you guys are invited.” He snapped

“Aw Bri, I’m sorry, I gonna give it a miss tho, I’m gonna spend some time with Peyton and I really don’t feel well, so yea, plus by the looks of things I’m gonna have work home.” I said sticking my tongue out at Zacky.

“Oh yeah, we need to get started. Yeah sure Bri, we’ll be there.” Zacky grinned, embracing Brian in a man hug clearly happy for his best friend and fellow guitarist.

I pulled out my cigarettes and my lighter and proceeded to light up and open the window to let the smoke out.

“So where are you all going to.” I asked after taking a deep drag and letting the grey smoke fill my lungs.

“We though we would just go to Johnny’s for a quiet one, then maybe head into town a bit later.” Brian mused clearly not knowing where they would be going.

“Well hun, have fun and tell Lauren, I said congratz.” I said smiling at him.

“You mean, your really not coming?” Brian said looking slightly offended

“Well I haven’t spent much time with Peyton and I don’t feel well.” I lied

“Bull, your not going cause Matt’s going to be there, and you don’t want everyone feeling awkward. Cause you spend every day with that little girl and if you didn’t feel well you wouldn’t be at work, and I use the term work loosely.” He barked

“I…” I started

“We will pick you up at seven, I will call papa gates and ask if he will let Peyton stay the night with Kenna.” Brian cut me off

“But..” I stammered

“No arguments.” Zacky sternly growled

“You guys suck.” I huffed stubbing the now finnished cigarette out into an ashtray.
“No we love you and you need a night out.” Brian counter argued .

He gave me a quick hug, said something into Zacky’s ear causing him to roll his eyes and with that he left. We stood for a minute in silence and then made our way into the small room that was strictly Vengeance University only. We sat and drew up new idea’s for the line, only speaking to talk colours and what had already been printed on shirts and hoody’s. I scrumpled up the fifth piece of paper and threw it in the trash can. Then something hit me. It had been really hard finding alternative styled baby clothes.

I drew out the basic shape of a baby grow and began to draw quick sketches of other designs featured on V.U products. I started labelling colours and textiles, I didn’t realise I was in my own little world. I also did not realise Zacky, was standing behind me. I snapped up really quickly causing me to bang my head on Zacky’s jaw.

“Aw Feck, Zacky, that hurt.” I groaned in pain.

“Yeah, well I think your skull may have broke my jaw.” He whined like a child.

“Quit being so childish, here I have a few ideas.” I laughed seriously throwing the sketch book at him.

“Gena get’s on lunch around one-ish so you better start off now.” Zacky informed me still flicking through my book.

“Why what time is it now?” I asked throwing pencils into puts and brushing up rubber shredding.

“It’s half twelve.” He said in monotone, clearly not worried

“Okay I’ll be as quick as I can and I’ll be back, when I’m done.” I laughed at his facial expression as I grabbed my bag and purse.

“Drey, squirt we have it! You don’t have to come back, these are amazing, go take the rest of the day off, we can sort manufacturing stuff out tomorrow and you can finish the new V.U baby line.” He grinned walking me to the door.

“ Cheers Zacky.” I called getting into the car and rushing to Gena’s, breaking every speed limit in California to beat lunch time rush hour.

“Shit Gena I am so sorry.” I called into the empty shop nearly fifteen minutes late.

“I have your colour mixed just get into that chair.” She demanded grinning

I sat in the chair rather quickly only to have the black cloak thrown around me and the colour put on top of my already oddly coloured hair. We sat and chatted about simple things, like the boy’s last tour, our high school days, my first day at work, Gena’s new salon.

“You going tonight?” She asked out of the blue washing the colour from my hair.

“Brian is forcing me out, so I have no choice, I’m not drinking though, so I’m designated driver.” I laughed joking with her.

“Sweetie, I meant to ask you, and I really don’t mean to pry, but have you been to the doctor, I mean first you fainted, now your feeling funny and you can’t drink coffee, it’s almost like your…” she trailed off

My eye’s widened and I think the world stopped.

“Gena that’s impossible Matt had the doctor out, he did blood tests…” I then trailed off and pulled out my phone and counted “ Gena, after this can you take me to the pharmacy.” I asked knowing that she only worked half days on a Friday.
“Hold tight babe, this should only take another half hour, and then we can go.”

She began to dry my hair and began to cut through the thick layers of hair, it took longer than we thought and nearly an hour later we were in the pharmacy, getting what we needed and rushing back to Johnny and Lacey’s.

“Coast is clear, let’s do this.” Gena giggled running up to the bathroom dragging me with her.

I pulled the little white stick from it’s box and began to read the instructions. Gena turned as I carried out the instructions not once but several times. She set a timer on her phone and I waited, those fifteen minutes were the longest of my life. When I saw those words I broke down. I was on my own now, with a little girl and now another little one on the way.

“I can’t, I can’t do this again Gena, I want Mattie, but he’s not here this time.” I sobbed against the door as Gena sat beside me cooing and shhing trying to make me feel better, just doing the best she could.

“Come on squirt, you dry up now and stop this, you’re a strong girl, you will go out tonight and you talk things over with Matt, if things don’t work out so well, you always have me, Zacky, Lacey, Johnny, Bri, Lawli and Jimmy. Do you think we would let you do this alone? Of course not. So come on, wash your face and get you’re stuff, come back to our house and We’ll start getting ready, it’s three now and we head out at seven, I’ll even order pizza.”

I nodded silently and began to throw jeans, heels, corset and jacket into a bigger bag. I plucked a random clutch from my suitcase and threw my make up bag in for good measure. I sighed and zipped it up not looking forward to this night at all.

By the time Gena had me calmed down, we had eaten pizza with Zacky, cleaned up and she had decided what to wear it was seven. I sent a text to Brian to let him know I was with Zack and Gena and stood in front of the mirror. Unable to move. My phone buzzed and with out any conscious effort I picked it up and read the text.

“Peyton’s with Kenna, Papa G say’s she no trouble, not to worry

I frowned, I felt so guilty I should have insisted harder that I could stay home with her.

“Squirt, come on all you have to do is make up and pull on some clothes, I did your hair earlier.” Gena laughed

I smiled and began to run moisturiser over my face, followed by foundation, powder, blush, eyeliner, eye shadow and a couple of coats of mascara.

I pulled on my jeans and top and went down stairs and got my self a glass of water. I wanted a smoke so badly right now, but after my little shock this afternoon I realised it wasn’t the best idea I could have had. How could I have not spotted the signs. I hated the smell of coffee, I was getting dizzy and I was feeling funny. It was like Peyton all over again but with out throwing up. How could the doctor not see this? Surely it could have come up when he did the damn tests?

I downed the glass of water and make my way up stairs to pull on my shoes and grab my clutch. Just then I heard a scream of “yes” and a soft oof. Clearly Zack couldn’t wait and had asked her there now. When I got upstairs I hugged her tight.

“Hold on to him, he’s a good guy for you.” I whispered in her ear.

“You knew?” She asked shocked and very high pitched

“Employee now.” I laughed

I pulled on my shoes and shove my purse into my clutch. I zipped Gena’s dress up and we were ready to go.

When we got to Johnny’s I could see our group sitting in the normal booth in the corner. What I wasn’t expecting was Val sitting practically in matt’s lap, eating his face. My knee’s gave a bit and I felt Zack and Gena catch me.

“Come on squirt be strong.” Zack smiled comfortingly.

“AUDREY! YOU CAME!” Lauren squealed running over to me jumping on me.

“Be careful babe, I’m fragile.” I laughed

“You okay?” She asked looking concerned.

“This is your night, don’t worry about me. Crongratz by the way!” I grinned doing my best for the people I had to spend the night with.

She dragged me over to the seat’s currently occupied by my friends and I was pulled into a seat beside Jimmy, by, yes you guessed it…Jimmy.

“A Jack and coke, one of them fruity things and a bud.” Brian called at Joe the bar man.

“Bri, I just want a diet coke.” I smiled

“What? Why?” He asked generally confused.

“I just don’t feel like drinking is all.” I muttered

Jimmy slid his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close.

“You going to tell him.” Jimmy whispered so only I could hear.

“Tell him what?” I asked playing stupid.

“Well I think he has the right to know your carrying his second kid.” Jimmy frowned

“Slim Jim, he’s clearly not interested.” I laughed lightly looking away from the painful sight.

Hi miss alice
Anata garasu no
Me de donna yume wo
Mirareru no?
Mirareru no?

“AUDREY LOUISE SEWARD! You get back home this instant you are not fit to be out in your condition.” Johnny yelled down the phone.

“Johnny calm, I’m fine, I’m not drinking, I’m not smoking, I’ll be fine.” I laughed wondering how he found out. I had only told Gena and Zacky.

Brian and Laurens head’s snapped round at the mention of me not smoking.

“Johnny I have to go, we’ll talk when you get here.” I whispered

I pulled my diet coke closer and sipped biting the straw, waiting for someone to speak.

“Your pregnant, oh my god, congratulations! I’m so sorry I jumped on you are you okay?” Lauren asked her words coming out in a rush.

“I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m not broke, I just need to take it easier.” I laughed

“OH MY GOD! I’m getting married and getting to be an aunt again!” Lauren yelled clapping her hands like a little child.

With those word’s matt’s head snapped around and looked down at my small stomach with sorry eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Night out

Tha 'handy links' for Carly. This took awhile, school's been hecktic. Sociology and moving image are a disaster at the moment. However hear it is. You know the drill. Voice your opinions over with the comments, after all you are the one's who read it, I want to know what you think and how i can improve.

Peace & Love
Natalie V xoxo