There Goes My Hero

Musical Genius

I had been in Cali for 2 weeks now and I love it.
It's far better than France. I haven't started school yet. Mom and Dad want to give me time to 'settle in' before they make me head off to school with a bunch of people I don't know. I met aunt's uncle's grandparent's and family friends. It's been crazy. I met Johnny's friends and we seem to get on well. Zacky's crazy , Brian's constantly making sexual references, Matt is like a big tough teddy bear Jimmy's a fruit loop and Johnny's short. They all fit in well they made me feel really welcome.

I got up the next morning terrified of the days events. I put on my gray skinny's and my AC/DC top and black flats. I did my make up and I brushed my teeth. I made my way down stairs to find Cassandra and James sitting at the table with Johnny and the rest of they guys.

" Hey squirt, all ready for your big day" Brian asked

" I suppose it can't be worse than France" I answered

" Awe squirt you'll be fine you've got us "

" I know I know. "

I took a pop tart and toasted it. I sat and sat on the counter and ate. When they guys were ready to go. I hopped off the counter gave my mom and dad a hug and walked out with the guys. We split in to two cars. Me, Brian and Jimmy. and then in the other car there Was Johnny, Zacky and Matt. When we pulled up to school I felt like I wanted to throw up.

I reached the office and gathered up my schedule and locker number. The guys took me under a tree and we sat down. They looked over my schedule and locker number. They though it was best Brain was my guide as we had most of our classes together and my locker was nearer his.

The bell rang and we all made our way to class me and Brain had music first. So as we made our way their he said that I would be his music partner cause he was currently a 'loner'. I laughed and accepted this invite. We made our way to room 179 and took seats at the back. The teacher was a complete head case her name was Mrs Black. She told us all to go and collect our instruments and start practicing for our assessment.

Brian pulled me into room with two guitars and a drum kit. He sat on one of the chairs and picked up a schecter guitar he started to play bits of misfits songs. I picked up a red SG and sat on the other chair. I took a pick out of my pocket and played Bullet for my Valentine Waking the demon. It was one of my all time favorite songs.

Brian looked at me like I was nuts. He shook his head.

" Squirt you are a musical genius. You play anything else " He asked

" Just Guitar and bass . But I gave bass up ages ago " I replied

He smirked " well okay then, but I will get you to play again "

With that the bell rang and we hurried off to next class I could tell this was going to be an interesting day.
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