There Goes My Hero

What have I done ?

As she sat down I knew she was going to kill me because her and Val were so close and well hell me and Val were just as close. She looked at me concern was shown in her eyes. She handed me a Double Carmel Cream Frappachino. As she sipped on hers I could see she was thinking.

" Okay so spill I know theres something wrong " she told me

" Well ....I don't know how to say it I don't want everyone to hate me " I explained

" Well hunn I cant help you if you don't tell me whats wrong "

" I know I know but if I tell you swear to me you wont go to Val Please " I just broke down

" Sweetie what ever you tell me stays between us

" I feel like such a bitch but I really like him and it's not somthing I can just forget about " The tears just wouldn't stop falling

" Aww sweetie please stop crying, I knew you liked Matt but I didn't think it was this bad "

" Gena it's tearing me up I mean Val has been more than good to me since I moved here were like best friends. He's off limits Gena. I'm not ment to fall for him "

"she just pulled me off the chair I was histeric by this stage.

" Sweetie who are you here with."

" I'm with Johnny and the rest of the boys " I explained

She took out her phone and after pressing buttons she put the phone to her ear. From what I can gather she explained to some one she was taking me home and that I wasn't feeling to good.

We sat in the car in complete silence. We pulled up at my house and I got out I walked tround to the drivers side and gave Gena a hug throught the open window

" I'll be fine " I whispered in her ear the worry was evedent in her eyes.

I opened the door and went straight to my room. I put away the content of the hot topic bag and pulled on my Invader Zim p.j's. I crawled nder the covers and sunk into a dreamless and restless sleep.


I was woken up what seemed like minutes later. I came ace to face wih my brothers hazel eyes filled with tears he had been crying.

" Hey your up the girls are here you gotta get up were leaving for the party in about 2 hours" He told me.

He looked really worried I looked at my alam clock 6:30pm Oct 31st. I just nodded

" Send them up " I croked out I grabbed a towel and ran for the bathroom. After washing my hair I got out of th shower and wrapped the fluffy black towel around me. I made my way out of the bathroom. Not Quick enought tho. As all the guys made there way out opf my brothers room. I groned and made my way in to my room I got dressed in to my cstume and had Gena curl my hair. I grabbed the stuffed rabbit and pulled on my shoes I cheaked mymake up in the mirror before making my way downstairs with the other girls.

We all pilled in to two cars and we were off. The girls kept asking me are you okay. All I could do was shake my head yes.We arrived at the party and the first think I did was drown a bottle of beer and so it went from that. Val disappered after a while so I was left talking to Matt. Just Great. I walked away intending on going to the bathroom. When soime one span me around an kissed me. I was shocked I opend my eyes to see Matt. What is he doing and why am I kissing him back.

I pulled away and ran to find my brother. I tugged at Johnny's sleeve.

" Johnny can we go home please " I asked my voice cracking and tears threating to spill.

He nodded and led me to his car. I knew he was going back. We pulled up at our house and I just got out and went to my room and fell on my bed crying.

What had I done? I just ried and cried untill I fell in to a deep sleep. A leep I prayed I wouldnever wake from.

Matt's costume


Jimmy's Costume


Johnny's Costume


Brian's Costume


Zacky's Costume


Gena's Cell

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Thank you to

Allie V
Forever True
My chemical Rainbow

for there comments