Diamonds do appear to be just like Broken Glass to me

What happens at a Concert.Doesn't always stay at a

Today was the day of my first concert and it was going to be a Panic at the Disco concert, I couldn't wait. And to top it off, I have two backstage passes. Yay!
"Hello, earth to Mindy" my best friend Candy said as she wacked me beside the head. "Huh, what?' as I tuned back into her conversation.”I asked you who you liked the most, but then again it is totally obvious, I mean everyone loves Ryan, and you’re like totally, I don’t know...Perfect for him."
"Right..Uh...Candy he is my least favorite" I lied, which it took her by surprise and totally fell for it. I mean EVERY girl likes him, and I’m suppose to be one of those girls who is different and Candy believes that I have to think differently from her to be different and of course she idolizes I had to lie to her, even though true fully my top favorite would be Ryan and Brendon, because he is funny, so it’s kind of a tie but even if I mention liking Ryan at all even if it was a tie Candy would of pronounced me NOT different...wait scratch that, I don’t want to try to be different anymore, but I can’t take back what I just said so I guess I should at least finish up this lie..
"You’re kidding me right, Mindy, you’re like just joking and trying to fool me I know it, right?"
"Uh no, to tell you the truth (which is a lie) my favorite is...Jon, yup and then it's Spencer."
"So like next its Brendon then Ryan, right."
"Nope, Brendon gets kind of annoying with his childish, immature act. So Brendon and Ryan are like both tied in last." wow major lie, I really like how Brendon acts...I mean someone has to lighten up life.
"Wow you are different than most people...well I just can’t wait for the concert tonight and we get to meet them, I’m so happy, and thxs for bringing me along."
"No problem, what's a best friend for"
"Well I have to go and get ready, what time are you leaving your house to pick me up"
"Well the concert starts at seven so I will pick you up at five so we get there at six, because I’m sure the line will be long and it will like take forever to get to our seats"
"Kay, see you then"
"Alright, Bye"
"Mindy, so like when do we meet them after the concert or before.."
"Now you ask, well I don’t really know I believe after."
"Yup it’s after... you would think they would make the print bigger"
7:00 - Concert starts
"OMG Mindy look its Ryan and Brendon and Spencer and your favorite Jon" she screamed in my ear.
"Yeah I know, I’m not blind...and could you please not yell in my ear" right, Jons really my favorite...hope I can keep up the lie for at least a week then I can tell her I changed my mind
Its nine in the afternoon and your eyes are the size of the moon...
The concert ended with them playing mine and Candy’s favorite song. We walked to stage after everyone else had left and we showed the security guard our passes.
"Hello, I’m Ry-"
"Ryan, of course we know who you guys are, you just don’t know us"
"Right" Ryan said "and you are"
"Oh, yeah, um I am Candy and this is my best friend in the whole entire world who gave me the backstage pass Mindy"
"Wow had to be dramatic there didn’t you Candy." I said and Brendon laughed.
"Where’s Jon, Mindy is dying to meet him, he's her favorite...she doesn’t seem to like you two that much."
"Yeah sure she really looks like she's dying" Ryan said sarcastically, upset at what he just heard
Sugar cane in the easy morning...
"oh Mindy it’s my mom calling" she answered the phone” my mom is here to pick me up, uh nice to meet you guys, bye"
"Bye" Brendon and Ryan said at the same time.
"So you don’t like us, well me and Ryan" Brendon said.
"Uh about that...I kind of lied to her...because well you see there was kind of a point in my life where I wanted to be different and she still thinks that I want I told her that I didn’t like ya'll because she was saying that everyone loves Ryan..Well a lot of people like you Brendon"
Brendon started laughing. "It's not funny, you know what it’s late I think I should go, so much for meeting my favorite band...”
"No, I’m sorry I shouldn’t of laughed but it’s kind of weird with what she just said about you being her best friend in the entire world and then you just telling us you lied about it.."
"Hi' someone said from behind Ryan. It was Spencer, who was followed by Jon.
"Sorry we are late; we were deciding where to eat for dinner." Jon said
"Speaking of dinner, I’m HUNGRY" Brendon said dramatically.
I burst into giggles and Ryan did the same. "Well I guess I should go so you can get to your food"
"Wont you come with us" Ryan asked.
"Uh don’t--"
"Please" Brendon begged as he got down on his knees, "Please"
"uh I just meet you and your acting as if we have been friends like forever...”
"Well Ryan asked I just was saying please" Brendon said as he got up "So why do you want her to come Ryan?"Ryan blushed "I don’t know I thought I would be nice...”
"Fine, I'll come" Ryan face lit up with a smile.

At McDonalds
"What do you want to eat?" Brendon asked me.
"Umm, I’m not really hungry." I said and Brendon looked at me horrors trucked
"NOT HUNGRY, are you even human" Brendon screamed
"fine, I’ll have a chicken sandwich" Brendon smiled and told the lady what everyone wanted.
"Huh Brendon, there are only five of us and you ordered seven burgers and two chicken sandwiches"
"Yeah, so...”
"Uh isn’t that kind of a lot of food"
"Not really"
"okay...well I’m going to go pick out a table" Spencer and Ryan followed me, while Jon and Brendon waited for the food.
"So, Mindy, how long have you listened to us?" Spencer asked.
"Since like...two months ago" Ryan’s mouth dropped and Spencer just stared at me.
"You just recently started listening to us and you got backstage must love us" Spencer said jumping up with joy.
" don’t have to jump up and'll drag unwanted attention to this area, at least unwanted attention to me that is." Ryan laughed at me, which made me turn red.
"Yeah, so if you didn’t listen to us till recently...then what was your favorite band before us" Ryan asked
"Well...umm...I...fine to tell you the truth I use to listen to classical music I said earlier, I try or use to try to be different" I said as I looked down at the table. Then I felt a hand on my hand and I looked up and it was Ryan's hand.
"It’s okay, you don’t have to be ashamed of it, I think it’s pretty cool your trying to be different, plus your style is...well actually your style is kind of like ours...Circus type..Umm but the makeup it pretty" Ryan said as he blushed and looked out the window.
"You mean she's pretty, Ryan" Spencer said while Ryan face turned to a darker red.
"Oh look Spence, Brendon and Jon are back with the food." Ryan said trying to take the attention off of him.
"What did I miss, why is Ryan so red?" Brendon asked as he slid down in the seat next to me and passed out the food.
"Oh, Ryan was just checking out Mindy...and telling her she's pretty" Spencer said gleefully.
"I was not...” Ryan said as he looked down and blushed.
I finished with half of my sandwich and put it down. I wasn’t really hungry like I told Brendon earlier and the rest of them where still eating, so I took out my iPod and started listening to Fall Out Boy, when I felt someone breathing on top of me. I turned to see Brendon smiling at me.
"Do you want the rest of your sandwich?"
"Can I have it"
"Yeah I guess...I was going to throw it out" Brendon gasped at me.
"YOU WERE GOING TO THROW IT OUT" He yelled in my ear.
"Yeah...” But when I went to pass the sandwich to Brendon it was gone. I looked up and saw that Ryan was eating it. And Brendon said something I didn’t catch.
"RYAN!! Why did you eat after her...I thought you didn’t eat after girls..."Spencer said. Brendon and Jon burst into laughter. The manager came out and started yelling at us.
"You kids need to keep it down or I’ll call the cops"
"I think we should leave"
"Yeah I guess so..." Ryan said, looking disappointed.
"Uh poor Ryry is sad, he's going to cry because Mindy is leaving" Brendon teased as Ryan well as me.
He became as mad as rabbits with bushels of bad habits...
I answered my phone, it was my stepmom yelling at me to get home, I knew the guys could hear her because they started getting up and stared at me.
"I'll be home when I get home; you’re not my mother so just leave me ALONE!!!" I yelled into the phone and hung up on her.
"Uh yeah you really need to go...” Brendon said.
"Yeah, I think I should"
"I'll give you a ride back to the stadium so you can get your car" Brendon smiled at me.
"Uh no its-"
"I'll take her" Ryan said as he grabbed my arm and glared at Brendon, while he dragged me out of McDonalds. least I can get a ride when I need one.
Ryan didn’t talk to me the whole ride, so I just stared out the window. We finally came to a stop and where at the stadium when I felt Ryan's hand on my shoulder.
"It was nice meeting you...uh sorry about umm what i told my friend...i guess i should tell her the truth...well maybe not she will be totally mad at me for lying to her" I told Ryan as i got out.
"It was nice to meet you too" He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I shook it and when he let go I felt a piece of paper in my hand. Before I could open it he shut the door and drove off.
I opened the paper up inside it said: Call me, with Ryan's number below.
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I hope you like the story. :) Plz rate and comment.