Believe In Me

Looks Like We Won’t be Needing Circe...

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look so defeated before now. Walking to school that morning was not only awkward, but also torturous to look at Dailee and not see that gorgeous smile that inhabited her face not even half an hour ago. It amazed me that her mom could have so much power over her. And Dailee didn’t even deserve any of it. I understand Cale does his best to help her, but it’s not enough. And it would never be effective enough to take back all the mental abuse this… person caused such a sweet child. Maybe if I helped…


Nick hurried to gym class knowing Dailee would be there. She use to play tennis, allowing her to pass gym, but after winning freshman conference, she never picked up a racket again. Nick was in gym because he didn’t feel like passing out of it, and his sport, baseball, is in the spring.

He threw on his purple and grey gym clothes and ran into the gym, hardly taking time to say ‘hey’ to Paul.

Yes, Paul was in their gym class too, but not because he didn’t want to pass out of it or because he didn’t play any sports. Nope. He was in there for the typical sick-minded, “wish I had a better view of that…” male reason. Need anymore said?

Didn’t think so…

Nick stayed leaned against the collapsed bleachers.

Sarah skipped in.

Josh shuffled in.

Alex ran in.

Savannah cat-walked in.

Soon everyone except Dailee was in the gym.

He went over to talk to Paul, who was staring at Savannah, but was still staring at the door occasionally, waiting for her to walk in. Maybe she was held after class last hour…
“All right, everyone pop a squat!” Mrs. B yelled over the little conversations that were slowly dying down.

Nick sighed disappointedly and sat down, still glancing at the door. “Dude, what are you looking for?” Paul asked.

“Nothing,” he said quickly turning around.

Mrs. B started taking attendance when Nick heard soft footsteps pattering behind him. Turning around, he saw Dailee run and sit in her spot, looking pale and out of breath. “Do you have a pass?” She shook her head. “That’s a tardy then, Miss Hayes.”

She merely nodded again and looked over at nick who gave her a reassuring smile, but she turned away before she could see it. His smile faltered a bit. He didn’t understand why he was upset she did not see him smile…

Today was an “odd numbered day”, meaning they had to go into the weight room and pick partners. Paul was already with Savannah so Nick went over to Dailee. “Hey, doll-face, would you care to grace me with the honor of being your partner?” he said in an unrecognizable accent, smiling.

Dailee lopsidedly smiled back and shook her head yes. “Great, I’ll go get our packets, then.”

Paul ‘over-heard’ this little conversation and walked over to Dailee, despite Savannah’s whines and promises. “Hey, doll-face, what’s a girl like you doin’ with Nick-y over there?”
Dailee rolled her eyes and looked away. “Common, don’t be like that,” He said touching her shoulder, “You must be somthin’ special if he’s talking to you…”

Looking disgusted, she picked his hand up off her shoulder and dropped it. “Hey, Paul, I think I hear slut-vannah calling from the bedroom. Come on man leave her alone.”

“And what if I want her more than Savannah?”

“And what if I told Sherry you’re sleeping around?” Dailee spat at him.

Paul raised an eyebrow, “So it talks too ‘ey?”

Dailee looked like she was either going to pass out, puke, or both. “Back off, Paul! She never did anything to you!”

“Is there a problem over here?” Mrs. B asked

“No, Ma’am.”

“Good answer, Jonas,” Mrs. B replied, while the entire class was watching like a soap opera audience, clinging to every word that was said. She looked over at Dailee, “Hayes, are you alright? You look sick.”

“No, she isn’t Mrs. B. Would you mind if I escorted her to the nurse?” Dailee looked at Nick, silently thanking him with her eyes, and then turned back to Mrs. B, awaiting an answer.

“Oh, um, of course Nick, go ahead.”

Nick grabbed her hand and pulled Dailee from the weight room. He led her down to the cafeteria. They found an empty table and sat across from each other. Nick kept looking around the lunch room at all the different groups. Not one was like the other. The students closest to them were playing cards and laughing, throwing granola bars and sandwiches into the center of the table for bets. Nick took his own kind of chance and looked up at Dailee, who was staring at him with a soft expression on her delicate face. It almost seemed like she was reading a book by the way her eyes traveled across his face. “What?” he asked gently.

“Why are you doing this?” Dailee whispered, her voice almost drowned out by the noisy cafeteria.

Nick had been pondering that very question himself, but he didn’t know if he could put it into words yet. “I,” Nick started, “I don’t really know, yet. Can I get back to you on that?”

Dailee had a look of sadness in her eyes, even though she was smiling. Nick could tell she wanted a better answer than that, but he honestly couldn’t give her one unless he was 100 percent sure of himself. So much had happened that morning it was almost overwhelming. Looking back up at her he wondered out loud, “Why were you late to class? I was waiting for you.”

A blush swept across her cheeks as she quickly looked down at the table. After the burning left her face she looked back up at him, “You were waiting for me?”

“Hey now, that doesn’t answer the question.” Nick smiled slyly.

“Uh, you really want to know?”

“By the tone in your voice, I’m not so sure I should want to know…”

Dailee nodded, and mimicked Mrs. B, “Good answer, Jonas.”

“Think we should head back, now?”

She didn’t answer, just stood up. Nick followed suit and linked arms with her, “Well, my Darling, gym class awaits!”

She groaned as she allowed him to escort her back to Mrs. B’s grip.


Walking out of school, Dailee headed for bus 15 like she does every day. She sat in the same seat she always sits in, towards the front by the emergency exit window. She stared out at all the kids slowly boarding the buses, not wanting to leave their friends, not wanting to go home either. She looked away from the window just in time to see Nick get on the bus, pulling up his skinny jeans as he hopped up the last step. His hair bounced as he looked up, meeting Dailee’s gaze immediately. Smiling, he shuffled between the brown seats and stopped next to her seat. “I know you’re probably sick of me, but would you mind if I sat with you? Paul is the last person I want to have an awkward conversation with…”

She nodded and made room for him. Nick plopped down, put his backpack in between his feet, and looked up at Dailee who was eyeing his backpack. “You play the drums?” Dailee asked pointing to his backpack.

Nick looked and saw one of his sticks had poked through the zipper. Quickly he shoved them back in as he replied, “A little,”

She gave him a weird look, “And you don’t want me to know…?”

Nick looked around, “Uhh, did you know they record video and audio in here?”

Dailee just shook her head and looked out the window.

“Oh, I get it, you don’t talk when you don’t get your way. Hmm, interesting.” Nick started to stand up, “Well I guess Cale would want to talk to me more than you do, sooo I’ll just go sit with him!”

Dailee scoffed, “You know he stayed after school today. Just sit down.”

Just as he was about to, the bus jerked to a stop causing him to stumble a few seats up the aisle. Dailee laughed and picked up his backpack after taking a certain something from it. They got off the bus while Dailee was still smiling at Nick’s luck. “I’m holding you accountable for any injuries I received.”

Dailee gave him a sarcastic look as the bus turned a corner behind them, “Oh, really. And how am I the reason you even stood up? I was the one who told you to sit down, not stand up.”

Nick gave her a side glance but kept walking. “Fine, here’s your backpack,” she dropped it on the ground and walked across the street to her mailbox. Dailee took out the mail and newspaper and walked inside without glancing back; while Nick was kneeling in the street holding his open backpack in one hand and one drumstick in the other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: Homer's The Oddyssey
There should be another one out this weekend. This chapter I wrote during school all week soo yeah...
let me know what you think!
oh and if you want a picture of what I pictured Dailee to look like just comment saying you want it up with the next chapter!