Believe In Me

Dancing to the Record Player

He twirled around the hard-wood floor with me placed weightlessly on his feet. Giggling and squealing, I clutched onto his shirt tighter and leaned against his vibrating chest. We danced until the song on the record ended on a soft note. He always had a thing for 50’s and 60’s music and anything on a record. He effortlessly placed me beside him and ruffled my already tangled hair. I grinned up at him; he reached down and brushed his finger down the length of my nose, “When you’re older, you’re going to be just like your mother,” He looked over my shoulder and held his gaze with something, “beautiful, smart, caring…”

My stomach growled.

“And luckily, a good cook!” he picked me up and walked forward toward the stairs, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She never showed me that she was caring. In fact, she had never really showed me she loved me, but I didn’t care at the time. I had my father, and that’s all I ever really wanted.

She grinned at my father and snuck me a glance of annoyance as she made her way into the kitchen. My father spun me around and placed me once again on his feet as we danced together as one to Bobby Rydell.

Dailee stood up and made her way toward the bottom of the Jonas’ basement stairs. “Yeah, he was the president of a big company- Dailee? Where are you going?”

“I-I just have to go… I’m sorry,” She ran up the stairs.

“Why is she always running from her problems?”Cale asked, more to himself than to the boy in front of him.

Dailee ran down the hall and into the large room ahead of her. She didn’t fully realize she was in a dining room until she stopped to take a breath. Dailee looked around the room and saw an arch way leading into a bright room. Curiosity grabbed a hold on her thoughts and dragged her under the arch. When she entered the room she quickly realized it was a kitchen with windows fastened on the ceiling. To her other side, she saw the silver refrigerator door open with a butt in tight red jeans sticking out of it, “What is with the Jonas boys and skinny jeans?” The older boy slowly removed his body from the cooled container. Once his face was revealed it immediately showed a scared emotion. Dailee put her hands up, “I’m not gonna hurt you”. He kept staring at her until realization dawned on his features, “You’re that chick Nick was talking about!”

He ran up to her and gave her a hug. “What. The. Hell.” She whispered, slowly hugging him back… Who is this kid?

“Ok, enough awkward hugging, Come with me,” he said while pulling her toward the stairs.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re not going to rape me, are you? And you’re not some escapee from an institute, right?”

“I won’t rape you; I wear this,” he held up his right hand, which was sporting a sliver ring with a cross on the band, “And I sure hope I’m not an “escapee” ‘cause I would get in trouble if I was caught, and I can’t get in trouble ‘cause my mother wouldn’t like that ‘cause last year she had to come get me out of the nice police officers office and-”

“How old are you?”

“Eighteen… Oh! Wait, no. I’m Nineteen.”

She pursued her lips and raised her eyebrows, “All right, let’s go,”

They walked upstairs and he led her to the room farthest from the stairs. As he was reaching for the doorknob, she stopped him and smiled, “Wait, what’s your name?”

“Joe,” he said turning around, “And you’re Dailee, right?”


Joe opened the door and stood back to let her in. They entered and she took in the semi-clean, dark blue room. There was a book shelf to her right which sat next to the window. There was a computer desk next to the bookshelf. His bed was pushed against the wall farthest the door. Posters were scattered lazily across the walls. Joe walked over; half-made his bed, and sat at his computer desk, which obviously had a computer on it. “Sit,” he commanded while pointing at the bed. He logged in and pulled up the Internet. Dailee carefully sat on the bed and squirmed, trying to get comfortable but not sit too much on the comforter. She had no clue what’s been on it…

“You’re a girl,” Joe stated after he swiveled around in his chair.

“Good job, Joe,” Dailee said sarcastically, while giving him a weird look.

He ignored her comment and got to the point, “You listen to Hannah Montana then, right?”
Dailee squinted like she was thinking hard, but then she started laughing. “So, you know who I’m talking about right?”

She snorted, “You mean that… never mind, the one with the twenty-year-old boyfriend? Yeah I know who you’re talking about.”

“But have you listened to her music?” Joe turned around and hit a key. But nothing happened. Joe grunted in frustration and started clicking a bunch of useless buttons.

“Joe, I’m not going to be here all day…” she stated impatiently.

“Pull your pants on and listen,” he said shortly after music started flowing from the two midnight-black speakers that sat beside the monitor.

“Umm, isn’t it keep your pants on?” she spoke over the speakers.

“Shhh,” He waved her off while making the music increase in volume.

I feel like I must have known you in another life. ‘Cause I felt this deep connection when you looked in my eyes. Now I can’t wait to see you again…

“Ugh. Joe your taste in music sucks. No offence or anything…”

“Here, how about this…” he types in something else and waits for the page to load. All of a sudden screaming comes blaring out of the speakers.


“Thank, God. I get a head-ache after the first twenty seconds,” he whispered after closing the window, “So you passed my test. What kind of music do you listen to?”

“Um, have you heard of the song Dark Blue by Jack’s Mannequin?” She asked tilting her head. Joe mirrored her movements and shook his head.

“Manifest Destiny - Guster?”


“Ever heard of Ben Folds?”

He shook his head again, “Never.”

“Oh my, Gawd. How music deprived can you get?” she exclaimed, rolling him out of the way. After showing him a couple artists he shook his head approvingly, “All those songs have great piano pieces.”

“I know,” she whispered. The one thing she wanted to escape yet listen to forever roared in her head: Her thoughts of the past.

He sensed her sudden sadness and changed the subject, “What else do you like to listen to?”

“David Sides, mostly. But I like 1930’s songs as well.”

“Seriously,” Joe asked obviously taken aback.

“Sure, my dad played those kinds of songs all the time on our record player,” she recalled quietly.

“You have a record player? Like a legit one?” He questioned, impressed. She shook her head yes. “Hey, Joe have you seen… never mind. Dailee, Cale wanted me to let you know he left.”

She refused to look at him. If she did she would crack, so instead she looked over at Joe, “It’s time I get going. See you around, Joe.”

He bid her goodbye as she brushed past Nick and ran downstairs.

Nick groaned and hit his head against Joe’s doorframe, “She hates me again. Right when I think things were looking up I had to go stick my nose in sh-stuff.”

“Language Nicholas,” Joe mumbled, not even looking up from his precious YouTube page filled with results from something he typed in the search box.

Nick rolled his eyes and walked away, saving his breath. He needed to talk to someone. Quick. He needed advice, and he didn’t have much of a choice, “Kevin?”

“Yeah man?” he asked looking up from his strumming.

“I-I need some advice… yeah…” Nick stuttered embarrassed while running a hand through his curls.

Ahaha, he needs help with a girl. This should be fun…
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't/didn't own, manage, or create the following: Bobby Rydell, YouTube, Miley Cyrus, Jack's Mannequin, Guster, Ben Folds, David Sides
Hey guys... before you start yelling, I know I haven't updated in over a week and I'm sorry. I was in the hospital last week, and I had a boat load of homework. Now, I am NOT deathly sick or seriously ill or anything. It was just a "scare" where they are still kind of unsure what I have, but they gave me about 5 different medications which are helping tremedously.
On a happy note!...I hope you guys like the chapter!
Comments make me happy =]
And thank you so much to all the subscribers!! It really means alot!