Believe In Me


“How long?”

“What?” she whispered, looking up at him.

He pulled her closer, “How long have you liked me?”

She blushed and leaned her head back on his shoulder, “You’re going to laugh.”

“No, I won’t.”

They were sitting on the carpet in the basement leaned against the wall next to the piano. They’ve been sitting there for a while, his arm wrapped protectively around her midsection. Her shell was slowly starting to dissolve when she was around him. Her plan of not paying him the slightest attention had worked. She wanted to see if he would try to get her to actually have a conversation with him. It worked, and she knew it the moment she heard his voice come from the tree that afternoon. The reason she ignored him one last time was to see if he was really serious about wanting her, thus the position they were currently in.

She sighed, “Promise?”

Chuckling slightly, he lightly kissed the side of her head, “Promise.”

“Why are you laughing then?” she accused poking him in the rib.

“I find it quite funny you think I would laugh at something like that.”

“Well, it’s not like I’ve actually gotten to know you well,” smiling in the satisfactory of distracting him from his question.

“If it was up to me, I would have known you for a while now,” he stated, leaning his head against hers.

They stayed like that until Dailee leaned away from him a little. “What’s wrong?

She looked down then back up at him, biting her lip, “Don’t you think it’s strange?”

“Umm…” he didn’t catch on to what she was implying, “What’s strange?”

“That were so,” she didn’t know quite how to put it, “so, close… no, that’s not it. I guess I find it strange that we are able to be so comfortable with each other so fast.”

Nick understood what she meant. Normally when you’re with someone you like, it tends to be somewhat awkward because you’re scared of the other persons reaction to what move you will make. He looked at the ground like it had the answers. He decided to try and explain how he saw it the best he could, “Well, I guess since we wanted this, whatever this is, for so long, it feels right to finally be together, to have this comfort of being together. We don’t have to worry about what’s going to go wrong cause this is what we both want. Am I making any sense?”

She half-smiled and nodded while leaning back on his shoulder, “You’re making perfect sense.”

No words were necessary from that point on. They just stayed in each other’s embrace until Dailee’s breathing started to slow down. She felt so warm and comfortable in Nick’s embrace. She felt like nothing could hurt her when he was around. But just as she was about to drift off, she had this other feeling, one she didn’t like at all. One telling her being with him is too good to be true.

Nick felt her fall asleep but waited a little while longer just to make sure, and carefully lifted her up bridal style. He brought her over to the old couch pushed in the corner and placed her gently on it. He brushed the stray hairs off her face; his finger tips lingering on her cheek. He stood up straight and walked over to the piano. It’s a nice piano. Better than any I’ve ever owned… After softly pressing a key, he hummed a note to match. He kept playing around with different chords until he heard a noise. Stopping short of his next move, he turned around, but saw no one. Then he heard it again, but more clearly this time. It was Dailee. He stood up and walked over to the couch, kneeling gently by her side. It looked like she was having a bad dream. Not knowing what to do, he reached over to shake her awake. “I said, don’t touch me.”

Nick leaned away from the intensity in her voice, and whispered, “Dailee?”

She just turned on her side and took a deep breath. Nick sat back on his feet and chuckled in realization: She sleep talks.

“Robby stop,” she moaned.

Nick didn’t want to wake her up, but if it meant making her dream from going any further, “Dailee, come on. Wake up.”

Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and after blinking a few times she noticed Nick was sitting in front of her. “Hey,” he said softly, “sorry for waking you up.”

Dailee gently smiled and reached out to lightly touch his cheek, sending a tingling down his spine, “You’re like my super hero; always here to save the day.”

Giving her a tight-lipped smile he grabbed her hand in his, “Just call me Superman.”

Dailee smiled wide and closed her eyes again. “Going back to sleep already?”

“No, just resting.”

There was a comfortable silence between the two. The only thing Dailee was thinking about was the warmth from his big coarse hand holding her small soft one, but Nick had something different on his, “Hey…”

Dailee gave a short moan, telling him to continue. “You have dreams about that night?”
She blushed and opened her eyes, “I was talking wasn’t I?” He nodded. “Yeah, I do Nick, but you know what?”

“What?” he whispered, gazing into her eyes.

“You’re always there to save me. In my dream, that is. You always come to the rescue, just in time.”

At first he smiled at this, but then it fell, “How long have you been having that dream, Dailee?”

She looked down at their intertwined hands and softly said, “Almost once a week since the night it happened.”

He didn’t even hesitate to pull her into a hug, “I’m sor-“

“Dailee, sweetie, are you down there?”

She froze. He set her on the couch and swiftly stood up while whispering quickly, “Do you want me to leave?”

“Yes, mom, I’m down here,” shaking her head she pulled him back down and whispered while soft footsteps were heard pattering down the stairs, “She knows you’re here, that’s why she called me sweetie.”

When the footsteps stopped a round pale face with ice blue eyes peered over at the two teens sitting rather close on the couch. At that moment, Nick knew where Dailee had received her flawless features. “Honey, you didn’t tell me you had a friend over,” she feigned ignorance as she slowly walked over. Nick could tell Dailee was trying her best to relax, but she wasn’t doing a very good job.

“Hi, my name’s Nicholas. I live across the street from you,” he stood up and held out his right hand, trying very hard not to take a swing at her; she shook it gently.

“How…lovely,” she smiled, but it looked more like a grimace than anything, “Anyways, I just came down to say it’s time for dinner.”

“I’m not hungry,” Dailee quickly lied realizing her plan to get Nick to leave.

Before she could get a chance to say anything, Nick added, “The reason I came over here was to get Dailee so we could work on our chemistry project together. Cale told me she was down here so I came to get her, but we got distracted. My mother already said she could eat with us so we could get more done, so we should get going. If you don’t mind that is.”

Smooth, Nick. I’ll have to thank you for that one later… Dailee thought, still cringing at the thought of being so close to this vampire-like human called her mother. The description fit generally well, Dailee decided. She is beautiful, dangerous, and hiding behind deceiving lies to live in the community without causing major suspicion to the neighbors.
She smiled, making the creases in her face more profound, “Oh, of course that’s ok. Come home when ever, Dailee. I’ll wait up for you.”


Nick stood up, but Dailee seemed frozen in her seat. Trying to help her get out of the house as fast as possible, he grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Nick fake-smiled, “Thanks, Mrs. Hays. She shouldn’t be too late.” He led Dailee around her and up the stairs to the front door and opened it before he peeked behind them. There she was. Standing there with a creepy grin plastered on her face, “Have fun.” Was all Nick heard as he herded Dailee through the front door, who was still in a state of frozen fear.

When they were at the end of Dailee’s driveway, Nick put his arm around her shoulders, “You ok?”

He could feel her take a deep breath, “For now…”

Giving her a comforting squeeze, he looked both ways before crossing the street to his house. Once they made it inside, a warm aroma filled Dailee’s lungs. Nick took off his shoes and Dailee followed suit. He motioned for her to be quiet as they walked toward what Dailee recognized as the living room and they were soon in the kitchen. The scent was much stronger now, Dailee found it quite familiar. When she looked toward the stove she saw a middle aged woman with dark curly locks humming to an unknown tune. She was stirring something in a pot with a wooden spoon while adding some salt to the mix. A timer went off and she set the spoon and salt down to open the oven. After she put the baking pan covered in aluminum foil on the stove Nick spoke up, “Hey, mom.”

“Just in time for dinner, Nick,” Mrs. Jonas peeled back the aluminum foil revealing a perfectly cooked chicken, “You want to take the plates out for me?”

“Sure, do you mind if we have an extra plate at the table tonight?”

“For your imaginary friend. Right, Nick?” Joe asked while walking into the kitchen. When he saw Dailee he winked at her.

“Joseph, stop. Of course that’s fine Nick,” she turned around, “Oh, hello.”

Dailee smiled, “Hi, ma’am. I’m Nick’s imaginary friend.”

“Oh, please call me Denise, dear. What’s your name?”


“That’s a lovely name, sweetheart. And you’re much too pretty to be imaginary. All right, every one go wash up!”

Dailee blushed at the comment. She had an odd sense of fondness for this woman she hadn’t seen before today.

Joe and Dailee went to the kitchen sink while Nick got the plates down. The whole Jonas family trickled into the kitchen. Mr. Jonas and Frankie got acquainted with Dailee before sitting down to eat. After praying the room broke out into a lively chatter. Dailee just sat back and watched everyone have a good time. Joe was trying to get attention by cracking jokes; Kevin talked animatedly with his father; Frankie tried to sneak his vegetables in his napkin while Nick laughed at him; Mrs. Jonas was trying to ask everyone about their day. Dailee could get use to this. After eating everyone brought their plates to the counter and slowly disappeared from the kitchen as Mrs. Jonas started cleaning up from dinner. “Dailee, want to go up to my room?”

She held up a finger and turned to Mrs. Jonas, “Would you like some help ma’a-, I mean, Denise?”

She chuckled, “Oh, no. That’s quite alright. Thank you though. You’re welcome to eat dinner with us anytime.”

“Oh, thank you. I might have to take you up on that,” Dailee turned to Nick and the two went up to his bedroom.

It was pretty neat compared to Joe’s room. There was a keyboard and guitar on separate stands in one corner of his room and a book shelf in the other. His bed was hugging the same wall as the door. She walked in and sat on the bench in front of his keyboard. “I like your room… It’s clean.”

He laughed and sat on his bed, “That’s the way I like it.” He stared at Dailee as she grazed her fingers across the keys of the piano in front of her. He moved his foot which hit something that was lying on the floor. Dailee looked up at the noise it made, “What’s that?”

Nick was caught. He wasn’t getting out of it this time and even if he tried she would just get mad and leave again. He picked up the object, a black three ring binder, and walked over to close his door. He handed the binder to Dailee then picked up his guitar and sat back down on the bed. She glanced at him confused. Hesitantly he commanded, “Open it.”

She did and saw it had what looked like a poem on the first page of many. Nick started strumming and humming. Dailee thumbed through the pages reading the titles of the pages. As she got toward the end of the pages she saw there was hand written sheet music instead of ‘poems’, “Nick, did you write all this?”

He stopped humming and nodded, his eyes never leaving the guitar strings. Dailee placed the binder on the stand and started playing some of the notes on the sheet music. It had a popish beat to it. After playing it through a couple times she suddenly realized it was the song Mrs. Jonas was humming. She stopped playing and looked up at Nick. He was still strumming the guitar, looking really distant. “Nick-“

“You probably think I’m a freak, don’t you,” Nick started still refusing to look up, “I knew I shouldn’t have shown you any of the music or lyrics. It’s stupid. I was going to stop soon anyways, it’s… just stupid.”

“Nick! Stop. I don’t think it’s stupid.”

He looked up at her carefully, “Then what do you think?”

Dailee shot him a crooked smile and gazed at him from under her eyelashes, “I think it’s hot.”

He blushed. Not a major blush, but enough that he had to look away to hide it.

She slightly laughed at his reaction and started to play a spiced up tune of one his songs.

“Hey, do that again,” Nick said, looking at her for the first time.

Dailee repeated what she just did and looked up at him, “Like that?”

“Yeah,” he walked over after setting his guitar on its stand and grabbed the binder, “What notes did you play?”

They played around with the song a little a little, bouncing ideas off each other until Nick was satisfied with the piece. Dailee glanced at Nick’s digital clock and sighed, “As much as I’d rather stay with you tonight, I think I should start heading back home.”

He looked at her with sadness in his eyes. He placed the binder on his bed while Dailee walked over to his bedroom door. They slowly walked to the door, neither of them wanting her to leave each other just yet. Nick waited patiently until her shoes were on each foot and they were both on the porch before he embraced her in a hug. His arms went around her shoulders as hers went around his back. “Nick, I don’t want to leave.”

Hugging her tighter he whispered, “I know.”

The right side of her face was pressed against his chest while his chin rested against the top of her head. Grips were never loosened as the two silently swayed side to side. Dailee reluctantly pulled back knowing the sooner she got home the less yelling she would have to endure. Her body turned to leave, but her head was still facing Nick. He slowly leaned down. She closed her eyes automatically and stayed perfectly still. His perfectly soft lips rested on her cheek, dangerously close to her mouth. Her eyes fluttered open when he pulled away, but he was still inches from her face. He whispered, “Goodnight, Dailee.”

Two can play at that game. She leaned toward him at a devastatingly slow pace on a direct path for his smirking lips. Her eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips, and he too started to lean in. But at the last second she slightly turned her head letting her lips graze along his cheek until she stopped at his ear, “Goodnight, Nicholas.”

His eyes were still closed as he shuddered from her hot breath lingering around his ear. And when he finally opened his eyes she was already at the end of his driveway, smirking back at him.


She was almost there. Ten more feet and she would be in the safeness of her room. She tip toed quiet as humanly possible down the hall. Upon approaching her closed door she could have sworn she left it open. She was about to open the door when a voice said, “Where were you?”

Sighing in relief she turned toward the source, Cale, and walked toward him, “Nick’s house. I had dinner there. Sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“So you guys are talking again? Good,” Cale smiled happily at her.

Dailee walked closer and hugged him, “Thank you for letting him in earlier.”

“What could I do,” he chuckled, “He was practically on his knees begging me to let him in… umm… You didn’t hear that.”

She smiled, “Alright, well, I better get to bed. I’m exhausted.”

“Goodnight, Dailee.” It didn’t sound enticing the way it had when Nick said it.

Dailee turned toward her door and opened it, slowly revealing a figure standing by the window. Brunette hair shone a silver-black in the moonlight. Her breath caught in her throat as she desperately wished someone was with her.

“Well, are you almost done with the project,” she feigned the pleasant tone she was giving off.

“Almost,” Dailee whispered slightly shaking from being in the same room as her.

Ignoring her question she continued staring out the window, “Do you take me for an idiot? You probably didn’t even have a project to do.”

She turned toward Dailee and smiled, “And who knew you were such a tease. No wonder he wanted you alone. That last performance on the porch really sent him for a spin.”

Dailee grew a little angry and firmly stated, “He did not want me over for that.”

Laughing she sauntered over to Dailee getting to close for her liking, “Did you see the way her looked at you? Did you notice how well he lied to get you out of the house? Did you feel the anxiety he gave off as he pulled you through the door?”

Dailee didn’t answer; she just looked past her mother trying to ignore the statements that made sense. Why else would he have been at that party? Certainly not to save pathetic girls like me who were trying to get attention.


“I said-“

“I heard what you said and yes, I noticed. Happy? Now go morn and sob in your room. I don’t know why you even bother with me, you never have before,” Dailee brushed past her and sat on her bed saving the tears for when she left. Shocked and amused she left slowly, closing the door behind her, but not before knocking a picture frame over causing glass to spread across the floor. Dailee carefully picked her way around shards to pick her father off the ground. Set the broken frame on her night stand and crawled onto her bed after kicking off her shoes. Not bothering to change out of her jeans and t-shirt she tried to fall asleep.

Tonight, her Superman was nowhere to be found.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's an extra long one for you guys!
Thought I might as well milk those Dailee/Nick fluff moments for ya. [good thing/bad thing?]
How many of you went shopping this morning?? I know I did, and now I'm paying the price. -_-
SO, let me know what you think!