Believe In Me

The Cologne Covered Letter

It was a restless night tossing and turning. I never slept more than a solid hour at a time before waking up again. Here’s an over view of how my night went…

12:07 – Dogs barking incredibly loud next door.

1:02 – Drunken teenagers roaming the street. Being rather obnoxious, I must say.

1:14 – Police car trying to find the teenagers.

2:35 – Something was poking my neck. I leaned forward and lifted up the pillow. His drumstick sat there, mocking the decision I had to make. Even though the choice was pretty obvious… I still had that nagging that’s overshadowing his… affection for me. The nagging being my mother, the affection being, well, his affection. I put the pillow back over the drumstick and flipped over on my stomach. My hands traveled up to the stick, brushing my fingers over the engraved letters until they numbed. The feeling slowly lulled me into the deepest sleep of the night… I mean morning.

When she woke up again, light was pouring through her windows and across her bed spread. She turned on her side. 8:47. She sighed and was about to sit up but a glowing white something caught her eye. A white piece of paper folded into fourths sat beside the green glowing numbers with her name scratched across the top. Call it coincidence: the paper had a single strand of light bouncing off of it, giving it a certain look of importance. Leaning across the bed she snatched the paper off its resting place and sat back down. She flipped it over a couple times trying to decide if she really wanted to read it or not. Sighing softly she set the letter under her pillow and picked out her clothes for that sunny Sunday: Jean shorts and a casual tee. She pulled a towel from the closet in the hall and took it all into the bathroom. After a long steaming shower, she made her bed and delicately pulled the note out from under her pillow. Sitting down she turned it over to read it. “Dailee?”

She tentatively looked toward the door, “Yeah, Cale?”

Looking at the letter in her hand, he smiled, “You want me to bring you some breakfast? I’m about to head down.”

Nodding she replied quick, “Yeah, sure. Anything you make is fine.”

He left shortly after she waved him off. While carefully opening the paper, she caught a whiff of something that smelled really good...

Like cologne?

No, it was cologne.

Nick’s cologne.

She inhaled deeper. A sense of comfort overwhelmed her. A sense she wished could be
with her every day, all day. She wanted him there with her. But reading this letter in his chicken scratch might change that. It could say a number of differ- STOP! I’m just going to open the letter and read…


Good morning, beautiful! Since I just knew you would be oh-so devastated if you came over and it turned out no one is there, I thought I’d let you know that my family and I are at church. If you’re wondering how I got in … well let’s just say you shouldn’t leave your window unlocked. Before you go yell at me, I know I shouldn’t be climbing thatevil tree outside your room, so I didn’t. [Oh, and my arm is healing quite nicely thanks to you!] It’ll be my little secret how I got in. =] [I know that’s a pitiful smiley face… get over it. A guy is only granted so many talents…] Oh! Guess what I spy?
My drumstick! [Yes, I’m writing this in your room... it’s not stalker-ish. I swear!]
Caught you red handed! But don’t worry, you can have something else of mine in place of it, since I see you sleep with it under your pillow… I’m going to be brutally honest and say that’s either really creepy or in a weird way flattering… but me writing this in your room is probably creepy so were even so far. Did I ever tell you that you are quite adorable when you talk in your sleep? I’ll tell you what you were saying when I see you today. =) [Yes, I drew you another beautiful smiley face. Of course it’s not as beautiful as you, because you’re gorgeous.]

Yours always,


She sat there not moving, or blinking. She defiantly did not expect that. She expected anything but that. Her mother had to be wrong now. One hundred and twenty percent wrong. There was no way he would want her for any unmoral reasons. He was the boy next door for all she knew. When, in fact, he was a musically gifted, god loving, skinny jean wearing, sophomore that just happened to like her… a lot. And she liked him too, more than anyone she’s ever liked before. [Which wasn’t many, but still…] More than she should. And she honestly believed she didn’t deserve him.

He treated her like a human being, and she was almost surprised he didn’t seem like those other guys at the party. Why he even stuck around was a mystery to her. He such a better person than those older kids. He had morals and boundaries. It was probably really selfish, but she wasn’t about to let him go. As long as he wanted her around, she would be there, no doubt. Now she absolutely could not wait to see him again. “Dailee,” Cale knocked on the door frame but was hidden from sight, “I just made you cereal and toast if that’s ok…”

“Yeah, of course that’s fine.” She waited about thirty seconds before she called for him again, “Cale? Why don’t you bring me the food if you took the time to make it…”

Who walked through the door was definitely not Cale. A women, looking no older than 25, strolled in the room smiling wide at Dailee. “Hey, Dailee! How have you been?” her melodic voice caressed the air between the two relatives. Her soul has always been compared to a saint’s; pure as can be. Always the ‘class A’ best friend: Loyal, trust worthy, reliable, funny, and caring. The graceful beauty practically floated across the hard wood floor and delicately sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ve been fine, Aunt Kay,” Dailee said smiling the smile she’s only shown Nick lately.

Aunt Kay would always be her saving grace. She was so glad Kayva Delanie was her godmother and Aunt. She wouldn’t want anyone else. Dailee knows Aunt Kay loves her for exactly who she is. Dailee Alece Hayes. “So, guess what,” Kay demanded while uncontrollably grinning. Dailee laughed at her aunts glowing face, “What?”

“Well, just as I was coming in, someone told me you have yourself a boyfriend…”

“Cale-“ She groaned flopping back on her bed.

Giggling she grabbed her hand and pulled her embarrassed niece back up to a sitting position. “No, sweetie Cale didn’t tell me anything…”

“Then who did?”

“I believe he said his name was Nick. What a cutie. I sent him home though, I needed some quality time with my favorite niece!” She stated, grabbing Dailee’s other hand.

Blushing like mad Dailee exclaimed, “He’s home?! Wait, he said I was his girlfriend?”

Kay just laughed and looked around the room, “Wow, looks like you’ve been busy while I was gone.”

“Yeah, how was Australia?” Her aunt’s husband was an international pilot. Normally Kay doesn’t go with, but she’s always wanted to vacation in Australia. No, she doesn’t have kids. She can’t have them, thus her extreme love for both Dailee and Cale. “Oh, it was phenomenal! I have to take you there sometime. There were plenty of cute boys there,” she stated, winking.

Dailee just smiled, not interested in the boys, “Sounds like you had fun.”

“Oh, tons. Now, tell me more about this boy…”

Grinning cheekily she retorted, “Which one?”

Kay gasped and lightly hit her shoulder, “Dailee Alece!”

“I’m kidding,” She said giggling, “Well, he’s in my grade.” Dailee glanced toward her pillow case, “He writes music, and it’s actually really good. He also goes to church, which is where he came from before you ran into him.”

“Oh, so that’s why he was wearing khakis and a tie?”

Dailee’s eyes shot wide in amusement, “He was?!”

Kay laughed, “What’s that look for? What does he normally wear?”

“Skinny jeans, rock band T-shirts, and Converse.”

“Nice catch,” she stated while nodding approvingly.

Grinning in appreciation Dailee looked at her bed where the note lay, “I know.”

After talking a bit longer Kayva went home, promising to come back next weekend. Realizing she was now able to see Nick for the first time that day she shoved her feet in some flip flops and ran down the street, her natural waves flying away from her face. When she was just about to step up on the porch, a playful scream reached her ears. It was coming from the back yard, so she ambled back to see what was going on. “Rounding second, third base is in sight. Nothing but base, but wait folks! Jonas one snagged the ball from left field and chucks it to Jonas two! Jonas four slides into the plate, and Jonas two dropped the ball! Oh ladies and Gents! HE’s SAFE!”

Frankie had jumped up off the ground and did a victory dance while Joe feigned disappointment. “Joe! Come on man! Get your head in the game,” Kevin yelled after jogging in from “left field”.

“Sorry man. Frank was so fast he made the ball fly right through my hands. And you have to admit the kid has some major batting muscles going on there,” Joe tried to explain why his 8 year old brother gained 3 bases when simply closing his eyes and swinging the bat.

“Guys! Let’s stop talking about my amazing muscles and play the game! It’s Nick’s turn to
bat,” Frankie stood between the two brothers. After saying Nick’s name the three Jonas’ turned around to find they’re temporary play-by-play announcer for the game was not sitting behind home plate where they had left him. Instead, he was hopelessly flirting with the blushing, not so ordinary girl next door. “Nick, stop canoodling with your girlfriend and come bat!”

Nick shot Joe a look. “She’s not my girlfriend,” yet, “And what does ‘canoodling’ even mean?!”

“Google it,” Joe shot back while Dailee whispered into Nicks ear. Nick gave her a confused look and shook his head.

“It means to engage in caressing, petting, or lovemaking. Or, to win over or convince by cajoling or flattering,” Kevin stated out of the blue.

Dailee said another comment in his ear and Nick said something else while shrugging and they both grinned like idiots.

“Dude,” Joe harshly whispered while leaning toward Kevin so Frankie wouldn’t hear, “Not in front of-”

Too, late. Frankie innocently butt in, “Kevin, what does ‘lovemaking’ mean?”

“-Frankie,” He finished with a sigh, “Hey, Nick. Come bat before I rip my hair out.”

Nick looked at Dailee then back to Joe, “Maybe later. I have to talk to Dailee about something.”

Joe shook his head and glanced at Kevin before making a bee-line for the door. “Have fun with Frank, Kev.”

“Wow,” Kevin quickly realized what Joe was doing, “thanks for giving me the short straw, Joe!”

“It’s ok, Kevin. I’ll just ask dad what it means,” Frankie started running toward the house as fast as his short legs would allow.


“Are you sure you said you were just my friend,” Dailee asked, still unsure that Kay would lie to her.

Nick looked up at her while grabbing the next branch up, “I’m pretty positive. Why is it so important for you to know whether she lied or not?”

Sighing, she sat down on her favorite branch and looked out into the blue sky. The birds circled each other mindlessly among the clouds. She wished she could fly to get away from Nick’s interrogating. “Because.”

“Because…” he drawled as he sat the branch closest hers.

“Because it just is, ok?” Quickly turning her back toward him she removed one hand from the branch and smoothed out the pony tail she had made before they climbed this tree; her tree. Slapping her hand back on the branch, she slouched against the tree trunk and took another deep breath.

Nick didn’t really understand why her Aunt saying he was her boyfriend was a big deal. He guessed it was a girl thing. But if she was bothered by it, so be it. He wouldn’t press her any further for answers; she would tell him when she was ready, hopefully. He reached out and touched her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I won’t ask any more questions.”

She just nodded a ‘thanks’ but still stayed turned away from him. “Hey, look at me.”

“Why should I,” she asked smiling slightly.

“Because, I’m devastatingly handsome and oh, so irresistible,” a smirk danced it way across his lips.

“Cocky much,” she whispered while turning around.

He raised an eyebrow, “What was that?”

“I said you are arrogant.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Cocky, overconfident, smug, conceited. The list goes on…”

He leaned forward, “Really? Is that so?”

“Most definitely,” she slightly gasped as he kept leaning toward her. She started leaning towards him as well.

“And you wonder why I’m cocky.”

Her hand once again was disconnected from the branch and found its way to his cheek. Lightly dragging her finger tips down his face she pulled her hand back slightly and slapped him, letting her hand rest on his cheek. She gasped, surprised with herself for even thinking about slapping him.

“Ouch. What was that for,” he asked after pulling back from her touch.

“You sir, are too full of yourself. You need to be kept in check.” Ling through her teeth, she raised an eyebrow as if to challenge him.

“You’re an odd one, Dailee Hayes.”

In all honesty she was odd. She was scared, which is why she slapped him. Scared of what? Well, she’s not exactly sure herself. Trying to distract herself she remembered what Nick said in his letter. "What was I saying in my sleep this morning?"

Nick smiled wide, "You're going to have to take back what you said in order for you to find out."

"Ugh," she rolled her eyes, "I take back calling you cocky, even if you are."

"Good enough."

She sat there waiting for an answer, but all she got were his eyes lingering on her face. "You going to tell me, or am I going to have to shove you out of the tree?"

While laughing he shook his head, "I'm just trying to decide if you want to hear all of what you were saying or just the first part."

She scoffed and started climbing down the tree onto the meadow's grass below. "Dailee, wait." Nick scurried after her as she mechanically jumped off the last branch. She sat there and waited for him to climb out after her. When she climbed down, she realized what she was scared of: Falling, falling for him, and out of the tree. She now knew there was nothing to worry about. He finally jumped/fell out of the tree and looked up at Dailee. She took her head out of the clouds and walked over to him. Grabbing him by the shoulder, she led him backwards until his back was pressed against the bark. "I don't want to be afraid anymore."

"Then don't be," he whispered as he placed a hand on her hip, slowly guiding her closer to him. Her hands went on either side of his head, so she wouldn't fall. He closed the space between their lips gently, and for the first time in Dailee's life, she felt like she was flying.
♠ ♠ ♠
EXTREMELY sorry for the wait guys!!
I've been extra busy lately....
Hope this chapter makes up for it!
Thanks to all 24 subscribers and 114 readers!
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