You can't make Mikey cry

Charlie's pov

The corridors red carpet seemed to carry on forever in its straight line parallel to each door. As I walked down the corridor doors passed on either side. 2164, 2165, 2166. Finally I’d arrived. My hart was racing. I felt 15year old girl just about to meat her idol for the first time. The door was hard against my knuckles as I knocked. A large man greeted the noise of hand on door with a grunt.
“Hay Paul. Is Mikey here?”
“He sure is Charlie.” He smiled lifting the sight of aggression from his face. I walked in threw the doorway in to the small corridor. Paul closed the door behind me taking note of any followers. There were none. I stretched my arms out and spread my leg slightly, the way I’d done a thousand times before.
“How’s your mum?” I as casually as he body searched me.
“She’s a lot better thanks.” He replied standing up straight.
“Send her my love wont you?” I smiled as he nodded me in the direction of Mikey.
The room was bigger on the inside than it looked from the out side. It’s view overlooking the sun kissed beach. I looked around for that one face amongst the living. The boys were sat around a black tinted glass coffee table. One or two had their trainer covered feet on the table, just like at home. All five sat chatting just like schoolgirls, about what they were doing with there time off.
A tall boy sat with his legs folded on one of the black leather square chairs. His back was turned to the entrance. Placing my finger to my lips I silenced the other boys. I creped, slowly and silently, up behind the tall boy. Placing my hands over his eyes as I reached his side.
“Guess who?” I giggled.
“Gerard?” He replied as usual. I kissed his lips, the way I had done every time before. How I’d longed to kiss him once more. It was hard dating someone on the move 24/7, but I dealt with it. I Had to I loved Mikey.
“Hay Charlie” All fore other black dressed boys replied in unison.
“Hay…How was home?” I asked knowing Bob would be the first to add to the conversation in an exited tone.
“Dude totally, totally amazing.”
“Oh yea… So many turned up.” Frank added to Bob excitement.
“Sold out every night weren’t we?” Ray questioned threw his curls.
“Cardiff was the best though” Gerard assed, shifting his sleek black hair behind his ear. He knew that a smile would appear on my face, from news that home was the best.
“Missed you though.” Mikey added in a sweat innocent voice, as he looked down as he played with his fingernails.
“Missed you too.” He looked up as I placed another kiss on his soft pink lips once more.