You can't make Mikey cry

Mikeys pov

(Later that night)
I entered our hotel room to find Gee sat on his own staring out in to the nothingness of the dark night from the balcony.
“Hay… you o.k.?” I sat next to him.
“Yea… Just thinking that’s all.”
“Doing a lot of that lately.”
“Is there a reason why you’re bothering me?”
“You’re my brother. Isn’t that reason enough?” I spat back at his unwelcoming tone.
“Look… I’m sorry. It’s just… Oh don’t worry we’ll only end up arguing again.” He gave up on his opinion knowing it would lead him no were.
“Look… I know it’s about Charlie. I accept that she hurt you and you may never forgive her for that. And I know you’re trying to stop the same thing from happening to me…But I’m a big boy now Gee. I’ll handle her. But if I ever need you, you know I’ll ask.” Knowing he just wanted to be alone with his thoughts I stood up placing my hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” I shook my head leaving my older brother to drown his anger with another beer.

Charlie’s pov.

Sat next to Bob I stared in to my half empty pint glass. The yellow, brown liquid stood still staring back.
“Willing it to disappear won’t work. You have to drink it.” Bob advised me as he took a sip of his own. We were the only two sat at the brown bar. Ray and Frank were behind us playing some silly card game where when ever they lost a round of cards they had to take a shot of whisky. The bartender stood cleaning a small glass in one corner. His white shirt and black trousers reflected in the mirror that sat behind shelves of alcohol.
“Why dose Gerard hate me so much?”

“You fucked with him too much in high school. He’s never forgiven you since.”
“I was such a bitch back then.”
“I’ve got the burses to prove it.” He laughed. I took a sip of my pint. Letting the cold liquid cool my through from the inside.
“I’m sorry…” I trailed off hopping the alcohol would take affect before the end of this conversation.
“Why were you such a bitch?” Bob asked still drinking turning his head to me.
“Just leave it down to dope. It did me over.” I looked down at my nearly empty glass.
“There must have been a reason behind the dope?” Bob persisted.
“I don’t wanna talk about it my life was hell back in high school. Dope was an escape from it all. But now things are finally looking up for me. I’ve got Mikey and I’ve been clean since the end of high school.” I finished the end of my beer.
“Maybe you should tell Gerard that.” Bob was right. Gerard did need to be told why I was such a bitch back then. And he needed to know now.