You can't make Mikey cry

Charlie's pov

Climbing the stairs my mind was flooded with memories, well nightmares1 Things from my passed I thought I’d dissolved in two years of therapy. Obviously not.
I reached the 13th floor. Heading around the corner from the stair door, I heard the boys’ room door open. I hid. From around the corner I peered to see the mystery person leaving the room. I saw the boy heading for the lift. I realized it was Mikey. He must have been talking to Gerard, since he was the last one left in the room. I hid back around the corner as he entered the lift. I waited to here the clang of the doors closing signifying a successful open and close of the lift door.
Placing my self, back on the long strip of red carpet I made my way to visit Gerard.

Gerard’s pov.

Mikey’s apology had shocked me. Why was he apologizing? You can’t control your feelings! I learnt that a long time ago.
Clearing my thoughts I peered back in to the dark of the night. In the far distance it was possible to see the few streetlights that lit the high way. The night was quiet and so was the hotel. The only noise possible to hear was the roaring of the calm sea as it went out. In a way it felt relaxing to me. Clearing my head and leaving me with just its calming notion. It didn’t last very long as someone entered the room. It was a woman’s voice I hared.
“Do you mind if we just have a bit of privacy?”
“Not at all.” Was the reply and the door was opened and closed. I stood up coming in the lounge area. That’s when I realized who had entered our hotel room. It was her! She looked sum what different this time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look like this before. She looked upset and nervous. This was certainly not the woman I thought I knew, or was she trying to pull the wool over my eyes? Either way I didn’t like the look on her face.
“Look I know you’ll never forgive me for what I’ve done to you but the least you deserve is an explanation.” I looked at her. Why was she telling me this? Was she planning to apologize for the shit she did to me? Even though I didn’t want her there for some strange reason I wanted to know what she had to say.

Charlie’s pov.

No matter how much I wanted to run and hide I couldn’t deny the fact that Bob was right Gerard did deserve an explanation. It tore me apart in side to think I’d been so selfish not to tell Gee the truth after all these years.
Gerard sat down in the chair he’s been sitting in that very morning.
“I know this is a little late coming but after all the things I’ve gone threw. And I know you’ve had your own share of tuff times, but just let me explain myself.” I sat down. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. I was ashamed and so nervous at the same time. I had to revel the hidden truth behind my whole life.
“ My life hasn’t been as peachy as you may think…”