You can't make Mikey cry

Gerard's pov

“You remember that year I started class quiet late in the semester?” I nodded. How could I have forgotten it? It was a hot sunny day just like that morning. The teacher had brought this young girl in to the class no older than I was at the time. Her long dark hair flowed behind her back almost reaching her bum. She wore a pair o plane black shorts and a white t-shirt, which, if she stood in the right light, you could see her bra threw. Her little arms quivering by her side. She was so nervous, so it seemed. But obviously that wasn’t the case. It was drugs that were making her shake. Charlie continued talking which made me snap out of my daydream.
“Well I’d just moved from the U.K. My parents found out about the drugs and kicked me out. I ran away. I had enough money to get me to my granddad’s house here in America. That’s when I started class here…” She paused again tears brimming in her dark eyes.
“I managed top spend 2 years with my granddad before he died…that’s when things went down the drain. Our relationship wasn’t a sham though I truly did like. But when I lost my granddad I tried to keep hold of out house and pay all the bills. But it never worked…you know that rumour that went about me living on my own?” I nodded. It was the same week as Charlie told the girl that I liked that I was mentally retarded and cut myself thinking of her.
“Well they were true. I was trying to handle school and a job to pay the bills. I barely managed to scrape money every month to pay rent.”
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” I asked in shock at what I was hearing.
“I thought if I told anyone people would just laugh at me and I’d lose my popularity and all my friends… and you.”
“But if you didn’t wanna loose me why did you set up that rumour?”
“Pushing people away was how I keep them close…I’m sorry for what I did to you honestly if I could I’d take it all back.” Tears started falling down her cheeks. She obviously hadn’t been lying to me this whole time.

Charlie’s pov

My head stung with painful memories of my past.
“After high school I went to see a shrink. She helped me forget my past and concentrate on my future…I felt like it was something I owed my grandfather, after all he did take me in when my parents disowned me.” I buried my face in my hands, my cheeks stained with the tears held in for more than 6 years. Gerard sat next to me placing his hands around me.
“I’m sorry…so sorry for what I did to you.” I sobbed.
“It’s o.k…” He cradled me in his arms as I let all my emotions flood out.
It had been a long time since I had felt Gerard touch on my small pale frame. I sat up moving away from him. I stared in to his eyes, His dark brown longing eyes. How I’d missed them for so long. Before I new it Gerard had leaned in and was kissing me. I kissed back without thinking. Finally my conscious kicked in. I moved Gerard from me.
“I can’t Mikey…” I placed my hand to my mouth. I stood up still shocked from the whole experience.
“I can’t…” I ran off leaving Gerard sat on the sofa with just a memory.