You can't make Mikey cry

Chapter 8

Mikey’s p.o.v

“You seen Charlie?” I looked around for her but still there was no sign. Bob slurred something. Drunk from only a few beers I struggled to understand what he had just said. I managed to hear the word Gerard.
“She’s gone to talk to Gerard, something to do with him deserving an explanation about why she was a bitch in high school.” A voice from behind the bar said.
“Thanks” I thanked the barman and paced to the lift again.

Charlie’s p.o.v

I ran as fast as I could. I needed to get out of the hotel. I had to clear my mind!
I ran across the beach, the sand still warm from the afternoon sun slipped in between my toes. I fell. I didn’t see the hidden rock under the golden, brown sand. I landed right next to the sea. I hadn’t realized I’d run quiet so far across the beach.
“Why?!” I screamed in to the horizon. Tears started to stream my face at the thought of my deception.
“Why?” I cried once more. The sea had begun to make made its way in-land, soaking my tight black jeans with each crashing wave.
As I sat there sobbing a tall man walked behind me. I hadn’t noticed the stranger approach me.

Gerard’s p.o.v.

I swallowed hard on my drink. What on earth had come over me? If Mikey ever found out he’d kill me! I was disturbed by the door being opened. I hopped it was only one person.
“Charlotte?” I asked with every hope set on that it would be. That way I could convince her not to tell Mikey what happened.
“Nope... Have you seen her though?” It was Mikey! He hadn’t seen her yet. Luck was surly on my side tonight.
“She was here about 2 minutes ago; you’ve literally just missed her.”
“Oh...”He sighed. “What did you two talk about anyway? I here she came up here for a chat with you.” He looked inquisitively at me.
“She was just apologizing for being a bitch in high school, that’s all.” I tried so hard not to tell him what had happened earlier. I mean, he is my brother. He does have a right to know after all. But ... It would kill him if he knew.
The silence between us was shattered by a familiar voice screaming ‘why’.
“Was that? ... No it couldn’t have been.” Mikey wondered hoping I’d have the answer written across my face, but of coerce I didn’t. I didn’t know what to expect when I walked out on to the balcony. But what I did see shocked me right out of my whit.
“Who’s that block with Charlie?” I looked to my younger brother for the answer this time.
“I have no... Oh my god! Is he kissing her?” I was just as shocked as he was. Mikey’s anger got the better of him, because he ran from the room faster than a cheater on speed. I ran after him trying, but failing, to keep up with him before he did something he regretted.