Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter One

I am not the original authoress of all these works. They were given over to me by Alex, the original authoress, after her account on was banned.
I will inform you when my writing begins to occur, it's sometime around chapter 18 or 19...i think...

Chapter One

Tears cascaded down my face making my mascara and eyeliner run. I laughed cruelly at all of this. It was all some big joke…It had to be…She couldn’t be dead…Anyone but her. But she’s gone, although I really don’t want it to be true, she was gone, and she was never coming back. This is what I absolutely hated about her, She was never strong enough. I tried so much to help her, but I was never good enough, because I was the cause of all of it…

“How could you do this to me?!?!” She screamed at me. I looked at her in shock. What does she mean?

“What do you mean, mom?” I asked, on the verge of tears. She never yelled at me, never. All of a sudden she pulled a gun from under her shirt and pointed it directly to my forehead. I froze in shock.

“You. It’s all your fault. He left me because of you. Because he didn’t want you. I should of gotten rid of you in the beginning. Now he’s not here. He’s gone. I’ll never be with him again.” She rambled on, making me feel like total shit. I swallowed hard.

“You mean you didn’t want me?” I asked, in a shaky voice. She laughed.

“Of course I didn’t want you. I was sixteen for Christ’s sake, and he, Cody , he was my Angel. Oh, he was beautiful. I loved him so much, and you just had to come along and ruin everything!” She screamed at me. That’s when I let it all go. I let the tears fall freely. I knew she didn’t want me. She tried to be a good mother, but obviously she didn’t try good enough. She was blaming it all on me. And I was believing her. Even though deep down, I wasn’t the cause for this, I believed every word that left her mouth.

“You, and that disgusting Jared, Or Gerard, whatever his name was. Your both exactly the same! I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!” She screamed. I sobbed loudly and turned away, running up into my room. So many thoughts were in my head.

It’s all my fault.

I’m pathetic, useless, ugly and stupid.

No one loves me.

I should die, rot in fucking hell.

I pulled at my hair, trying to tug it all out. I hated this, so much. Nothing mattered at all. The only hope I had left was finding my father. Maybe he would love me. But then again, Who would love me? A thirteen year old fat, stupid girl who needed to learn how to…do so many things in life. It doesn’t matter, The chances of finding my dad would be slim. My mom doesn’t even know what his name is.

I then heard a loud bang From downstairs. My eyes widened and I got up off the floor and ran hurriedly down. When I got there I felt my heart sink and I dropped to the floor. Blood was everywhere and even small fragments of skin and human tissue. I gulped. Even though my mom wasn’t a very good one, She was everything to me. And now she was gone.

And there was nothing I could do about it.