Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

Gerard’s P.O.V

What could have caused her to do this? Why would she do such a thing? I had never seen something so horrific. When I saw her body on the bathroom floor, glass shattered around her, I felt as if the world had ended. Everything from there had been in slow motion. The car ride, waiting for the results. It was pure agony. I just wanted her in my arms. My daughter. My Alex.

The doctor came out of the ER and walked toward us.

“Mr. Way?” he asked. I nodded, not able to speak. My eyes were puffy and I’m sure they were red. The doctor sighed and I felt my stomach tighten.

“Miss Rodriquez is in a coma…and it’s quite possible that she will never wake up.” He said. I felt a spark inside me.

“But there’s a possibility she won’t die? She’s still alive, right?” I asked, my voice cracking. The doctor nodded.

“And even if she did wake up, she would have to see a psychologist. I have never seen such a bad case of masochism.” He said. I nodded in agreement. She was going to wake up. I knew she would. I’ll make sure she will.

Six Months Later
Still Gerard’s P.O.V

Six months. That’s how long it’s been since Alex attempted suicide. All her wounds had gone except for a small scar on her neck, her thumbnail and hair had grown back. She was still in her coma and she was now 14. We celebrated her birthday last week. I had so much hope, hoping that she would wake up on that day. But she didn’t. I had let go of myself. I haven’t showered in quite a while and I have no idea when the last time I shaved was.

Stacey and I broke up. She told me she was pregnant. I was so happy. I wanted another child. Then she told me it wasn’t mine. I was so depressed and dumped her right there. She only wanted me for money and sex anyway. All I needed was my baby girl. All I wanted was my baby girl. Before I did something stupid. I heard a loud groan from her hospital bed…

Alex’s P.O.V

I groaned. I was so sore, everywhere. My back was aching. I tried to open my eyes. They were so heavy.

“Alex!” I heard a raspy voice ask. I wanted to answer but all I could so was groan. My throat hurt so much. With all the energy I could I opened my eyes slowly. My vision was blurred and I could only see white. I blinked and slowly, I was able to see. I saw Gerard in front me but he looked different…and he smelled really bad.

“Oh my God Alex, you're awake. Never do that AGAIN!” he screamed at me. I was so confused, I had no idea what was going on and he was crying. In a huge rush, everything came flooding back. Kory…Jennifer…kiss…run…home…bathroom…pain…Ray.

My heart sank. I had failed. The doctor came in and started discussing things with Gerard. I sat there quietly, that is until he added mental institution.

“WHAT!?!?” I shouted at the doctor. He sighed and began to explain things to me and Gerard. Gerard was pretty calm about all of this but I could tell he was regretting something.

“We have enrolled you into a institution for girls who have had similar problems to you. Of course, no one in there will have the exact same problems but all are so badly hurt by their experiences that they have attempted suicide. Now I understand that you might not want to do this but it will really benefit you and your attempted suicide was one of the worst we have ever seen.” The doctor said. I started to cry.

“You think I have problems?” I asked in outrage. Gerard looked to the ground and the doctor nodded.

“Look baby girl, I really want you to get better. Will you please do this? For me?” Gerard whispered, still looking at the ground. I looked at him and gulped down the knot in my throat. I had no idea what to say, but I knew what I had to do.

“Okay.” I said “I’ll do it for you,Gerard” I said calmly.