Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Eighteen, Part I

Chapter 18

I put on my chucks and a hoodie before sneaking out of my room. Before we go to sleep we were given sleeping pills. Everyone here did, and the staff made sure you swallowed them by making you open your mouth when you wear done. They were very strict when it came to medication. Tonight I swallowed them, but I had puked them back up. It was the only way.

I looked carefully down the hallways and made sure no one could see me. Eventually I made it out of the building. I walked toward the creek that lead out by the lake so I wouldn’t have to jump the barbed wire fence and get cuts all over my arms and legs. That would be a very bad idea. After a few minutes I made it to the lake side, glancing around and trying to spot a group of people.

Finally I did, and there were quite a few people there. I felt my stomach muscles tighten and paranoia overwhelmed me, but I shook it off and strode confidently over toward the people. When Rachael saw me she smirked and waved me over. I walked over, still confident…or at least trying to be.

“Alex, this is Johnny, my brother.” She said pointing to a guy with sandy blonde hair and a model like smile. He eyed me and I bit my lip. I had an urge to run but I resisted.

“Hey Alex.” he said in a weird sorta voice. I nodded and said a small ‘hey’. Rachael passed me a beer and I looked at it weirdly.

“Go on, take a sip.” She said, almost daring me. I shrugged. One sip couldn’t hurt.

Two Hours Later
Third Person P.O.V

Alex laughed loudly and got up off the ground with the red and white cup of beer in her hands. She had had way too many and could barely stand, let alone think straight. Johnny walked up to her, still able to realize that she was drunk off her ass, and he was going to get laid.

“Hey Sweetheart, c'mere”. He slurred. Alex obeyed, not realizing what she was doing. Johnny dragged her away and into the bushes, pushing her forcefully against a tree. He trailed kisses along her jaw line and neck making her giggle insanely.

“That tickles.” She said drunkenly slapping him away. He smirked down at her.

“Wanna do something fun?” he asked in a childish tone. She smiled an nodded enthusiastically. He pressed his body against her’s forcefully before fiddling around with his belt.

“You're gonna love this!” he said pulling down her jeans and panties in quickly. She frowned.

‘Why are you pulling my pants down?” She asked suddenly. He put a finger over his mouth.

“Don’t worry, it feels nice.” he said before thrusting hid throbbing erection into her entrance. She screamed out, and smacked her head back against the tree. He continued, taking he scream as one of pleasure.

The harder he went the more pain Alex endured. She felt like her insides were on fire and her head was about to blow. How could she have been so stupid? It went on for about an hour before he finally pulled out. Alex fell to the ground. All she could feel was hurt and she couldn’t move. She saw blood and didn’t know where it was coming from.

“Holy shit, she’s dead!” Johnny screamed. He picked up his pants and ran. All Alex could do was lie there in her blood that was coming from God knows where. Suddenly she started to feel drowsy, her head was spinning and she couldn’t breath. He eyelids fely heavy and she fell into a sleep.