Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Eighteen, Part II

Gerard's POV

"Wow, I'm really restless tonight...well, nothing to be done about that besides putting it to work. Now where's my sketchpad..." I began digging through my bedroom for the book. I hadn't cleaned it ages, maybe...two months? Somewhere around there. I know I have to do it sometime soon, but for now the guys don't care and Alex isn't here to make me feel like I need to.

I was still digging through a pile in the corner when Mikey stopped in the doorframe. "Gerard, I don't mean to sound like Mom, but you really need to clean your room. You haven't done it in two and a half months."

"Well, I was close on guessing how long it's been, I only said two months." I said as I continued to unearth items unseen by the eyes of men for seeming years. Since when did I eat in my room? I couldn't even remember, and there's a plate under a pair of jeans...

"Gerard, I know the depression about Alex has got you down, but you need to get yourself out of it and be strong for her." Mikey said, entering...uh, would you still call it a room? It's more of an abyss...anyways... entered the abyss some people would still call my room and sitting on the miraculously untouched-by-Gerard's-junk bed. "Go see your councelors again, if you need to. It's killing all of us to see you this way."

I knew Mikey was right. Why was Mikey always right? You'd think I would always be right, I'm the older brother, but it's always him. That's okay, though, it keeps us going.

"I know, Mikes, I know. I just can't help but want to be there with her. I think something's gone very wrong, but I don't know what..."