Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Four

Chapter Four

I got into the shower as soon as I woke up, trying to find small pleasures in life to make me feel better, and so far it was working. Thoughts of last night still burnt in my mind but I tried hard to shrug it all off. It wasn’t till I got out of the shower I realized, Today was the day I was going to meet my father. I took a deep breath when all sorts of thoughts filled my head.

What if he doesn’t like me?

What if he blames me for my mom’s death?

What if he thinks I’m too ugly?

Suddenly those thoughts ceased as I heard a knock on the door.

“Alex, hurry up, were leaving In five minutes!” Kory yelled. He must of just arrived. I shouted back an okay before getting dressed. I put on the normal, bootleg jeans and a baggy t-shirt. Today’s shirt had a picture of Tupac Shakur on it with ‘2pac’ written across the bottom. More thoughts came into my head, mostly about my father, whoever he was, and hating rap music. I didn’t just like rap, I had a wide range of music choice. From punk to hip hop. Most people called me a ‘poser’ or ‘wannabe’ but I liked all sorts of genres of music, I didn’t just stick to one. Britt thought it was funny how I would listen to "November Rain" by Guns 'n Roses, To "Unappreciated" by Cherish To "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me" by Fall Out Boy, but then she said it was expected for someone as weird as me. That was a blow to the ego.

I brushed my hair and put on some shoes before exiting the bathroom. After that, everything was a blur. The car ride, walking through the corridors, following the nurse. I didn’t register anything till I reached the door that held the answer to all humanity has ever wanted to know to who my biological father was. I felt my stomach tighten and I felt an urge to run away or curl up into a ball but I resisted.

I reached out and turned the door handle and walked in to find…nothing? I frowned and turned around to face the nurse.

“Oh my, dear, wrong door. Sorry” She said before leading me further down the corridor. My mouth dropped open and I stood there gob smacked. I was defiantly not expecting that. I followed her down the corridor more and to a door. I opened it fast, half expecting it to be the wrong door again, but it wasn’t. There, inside was Gerard Way and who I think was Cody Matthews. This Cody guy looked…how do I explain this, rich? I eyes them both before the nurse ushered me in. It was then I noticed that Kory and Britt weren’t with me. I looked around me and frowned.

“Your friends are in the waiting room, hon.” the nurse said in a sugary sweet voice. I made and ‘O’ shape with my mouth and started to relax. Or at least try to. I could feel those men’s eye’s on me, inspecting me. Making me very nervous. I looked down at my nails, trying to ignore the urges to pull out my hair or bite my lip. The doctor came in.

“I have results.” he said. Finally, I mouthed, catching the attention of the two men who were waiting to see whose I was. I blushed and turned away before closing my eyes waiting to hear who I was related to.

“Miss Alexandra Rodriquez, your biological father is Mr. Gerard Way” I opened my eyes and looked at the men. The Cody fellow seemed to be relieved and Gerard seemed to be frowning. I looked to the floor.

He doesn’t want me. I thought to myself. My negative thoughts continued as Gerard started signing papers. I wanted to leave, but being me, I didn’t have the guts to. I never did.