Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Five

Chapter Five

The doctor left the room to go get the papers finalized, leaving me and Gerard to chat. I bit my lip and looked at him nervously. He tried to smile at me but that wasn’t quite working.

“Alexandra, right?” he asked me softly. I nodded my head. He glanced down at my shirt. I think he was having a hard time figuring me out, a lot of people did.

“You like rap?” He asked hesitantly. I nodded and decided to finally speak.

“A like a lot of different types of music.” I said in a quiet voice. He nodded. We were doing quite a lot of nodding, probably the most I’ve nodded in a conversation. I saw him fidgeting, this must be very awkward for him. I was finding this kinda awkward myself.

“So, what’s it like being a rock star?” I asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

“Well it’s amazing, tours get kinda tiring after a while…” He said, trailing off. I took this as a hint to stop talking so instead I looked at the wall blankly, which is something I shouldn’t have done.

You're pathetic, Alex. Look at him, he hardly knows you and he already hates you.

I shook my head causing him to look over at me. Finally the doctor entered the room and started discussing things with Gerard about me. I decided that was what I was going to call him. Gerard, not Dad. He wasn’t much of a father figure anyway. After the doc finished telling him about my ADHD we were able to go. As soon as I got out of the office I saw Kory and Britt talking to…who else but the other members of My Chemical Romance. I felt something knot in my gut, I was so fricken nervous. I had never been so nervous in one day. We walked toward the group and I noticed Britt and Kory looked like they were in heaven. I’m glad they're happy, 'cause I’m not. Then again, I’m never happy.

Britt noticed me and waved frantically with an excited face. I smiled brightly and laughed at her. She had a face that made her look as if she was constipated. I made a note to tell her that later. The rest of the members looked our way and smiled at me. There was so many smiles…to say the least, it was freaking me out.

“Alex hey! So this is your Dad?” Britt asked, trying to make it obvious she was excited. I gave her a nod, to afraid to say anything. The My Chemical Romance members all introduced themselves and as soon as you know it, we were at Britt’s house packing all of my shit up. Living with the members of a famous band was bound to be interesting.