Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven
Frank’s P.O.V

I walked upstairs. Gerard was so pissy sometimes… He had the hormones of a thirteen year old girl. I giggled at my thoughts and walked toward the guest room.

When I got there I heard quiet sobbing. I frowned and opened the door quietly, then saw a moving lump on the bed which is where the sobbing was coming from. I walked toward it and quickly pulled the blankets off.

There I saw Alex in a fetal position pulling at her hair. There was blood on the sheets and on her blankets and tears in her eyes. The sight gave me quite a fright (A/N: Haha, that rhymed…Okay now back to the story). She looked up at me and sat up quickly, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“W-what are you doing here?” She asked, trying to sound strong but cracking. I just stood there, my mouth agape. I looked at her wrists trying to see where the blood was coming from.

“Ummm, Frank?” She asked hesitantly. I looked at her face, there was a small smile. I frowned. Why was she smiling? She doesn’t hurt herself, does she? All sorts of thoughts ran through my head and I was confusing myself.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Where’s the blood coming from? Wha-...” I trailed off near the end. She dropped her head and I saw tear drops fall onto the bed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked sincerely.

“Why are you talking to me?” She asked between her sobs.

“Why wouldn’t I talk to you?” I asked her. I was worried. What the hell had happened.

“You said you hate me a-a-and that I’m just a stupid bitch.”

“When did I sa-” I started and then it all clicked. She had heard the conversation downstairs.

“Alex, we weren’t talking about you!” I insisted. She laughed.

“Yeah” She said sarcastically. I bit my lip.

“No, we were talking about someone else. Seriously.” I saw her nod at me. Something told me that she didn’t believe me but I didn’t want to ask her. I had bad experiences with women when they were upset and I didn’t want her to lash out at me.

“It’s okay, I over reacted. I shouldn’t have just assumed you were talking about me.” She said quietly. I smiled but then remembered the blood, I looked back at it and saw hairs in it.

“Uhh, Alex? Where did the blood come from?” I asked, confused. She sighed.

“Well when I get kinda…frustrated, I pull out my hair and bite my nails and stuff. Yeah…” She said, trailing off. “It’s just a bad habit.” She insisted as I gave her a skeptical look.

“Alright, I should tell Gerard about this at least.”

“No! Please don’t tell him, I don’t want him to think I’m crazy!” She pleaded. I frowned. Gerard would really wanna know about this, but I gave in to her.

“Okay. Clean this up and come downstairs, we're gonna eat pizza.” I said. She smiled. I walked out of the room. She is definatly Gerard’s daughter.

Alex’s P.O.V

Frank left and the thoughts came to my head.

He was lying, of course they hate you.

Why would they like someone like you?

You ugly, disgusting, and stupid.

Not to mention fat and good for absolutely nothing.

I sighed and started to clean up. I was tempted to just sit there on the bed and do nothing, but I pushed myself. I needed to get through this.