Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

Alex’s P.O.V.

After I had cleaned up the room and myself I walked downstairs. Gerard saw me and smiled.

“Hey, why did you change? And why did you wash your hair?” he asked.

“Just felt like it.” I said. Frank tuned his gaze onto me but I shrugged him off.

“Well, we're gonna go out for dinner. How does pizza sound?” Gerard asked. I gave him a small smile and nodded.

We all got into the car and drove to a pizza parlor. When we got there Gerard got a text message and sighed.

“Guys, Stacey’s coming.” he said. Mikey and Frank groaned and Bob and Ray shrugged. I just stood there not knowing who Stacey is and not really caring either. I was paying more attention to my thoughts. We all got seated and the waitress came over to get our orders.

“Hey, I’m Kate and I’ll be your waitress today. What can I get you?” A pretty lady with shoulder length dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She was pretty short and she seemed kinda shy. Gerard smiled at her and she blushed.

“Alex, what sort of pizza do you like?” Gerard asked. I shrugged.

“Anything, as long as its food. I’ll eat it…except eggs.” I said, cringing at eggs. He laughed lightly and ordered our pizzas. Kate disappeared into the kitchen and the bell over the door rang. The lady I saw that came in looked like a plastic Barbie doll. She saw us and started walking toward us. The way she walked defiantly attracted all attention to her hips…Oh yeah, she was defiantly a model. All of a sudden she screeched like a banshee. I made a face…that was defiantly something you would expect from Xena, Warrior Princess, but five times worse. It sounded like a ‘Geri’ or ‘Garry’ but when she hopped onto Gerard's lap I realized it was a ‘Gerard’.

It all came together now. This was Stacey, Stacey is Gerard’s girlfriend. I felt my heart sink. Now I know he defiantly hates me. Having a Barbie doll girlfriend obviously means he wants a Barbie girl daughter.

Kate started to walk over and when she saw this 'Stacey' on his lap she frowned and looked to the ground. I think she had a little crush on Gerard. Suddenly Stacey started to ferociously attack Gerard’s face. I thought she was going to eat him. Of course, she had a waist that looked as if it was a size zero. If I was her, I’d be so hungry I’d eat someone.

It took me a while to realize that she was making out with him. I looked at my hands and felt an urge to bite my nails, but again, I resisted. Kate put the pizzas on the table and left without a word, so Mikey and Frank started to eat the pizza. I picked one up and started digging in. And, me being me, I started to think again.

Mmmmm, this pizza tastes good.

I’m so bored.

I’m so pathetic and ugly and stupid.

There I go, feeling sorry for myself again. I’m so selfish.

I need to wash my eyes when I get home. Seeing your father and a girl doing major PDA, that’s not pretty.

Why am I being so random.

I thought I only did this on the bus.

I started to laugh out loud and everyone at the table turned their attention to me.

“What’s so funny?” Frank asked, half chewed pizza still in his mouth so it sounded like ‘Wabf fo unny?’ I giggled and shook my head.

“Nothing.” I said before continuing to eat my pizza. I think that’s when Stacey noticed me. She gave me a disgusted look and I stopped laughing before sinking into my seat.

“Oh, Stacey, this is Alex. Alex, this is my Fiancée, Stacey.” My eye’s widened at the word 'fiancée' and she smirked. I wasn’t expecting him to be so serious with her.

The rest of the dinner went by pretty fast and I just wanted to go back and sleep. I was exhausted for some reason. When I got home I said goodnight to everyone and walked up to my room. I got changed into P.J. bottoms and a shirt. Suddenly the door opened and Stacey came in.

“Hey!” She said in a sugary sweet voice. I smiled and said a small 'hey' back.

“Well I just wanted to say something to you.” she said. I nodded and she walked over to me.

“I want you to stay out of Gerard’s way. He is mine and you're not going to get in the way. I have him wrapped around my little finger and if you know what’s good for you, you will stay out of the way!” She said in a horrible, warning tone. I nodded an stood back but she grabbed my wrist and dug her nails into me.

“Do you understand?!?” She said forcefully. I whimpered.

“Yes.” I said. She smirked and walked away.

“Good! Night.” She said cheerfully before leaving. I looked at my wrist and saw it was bleeding. I walked into the bathroom and cleaned it off.

Now I know that she hates me…A lot.