Beautiful Death

Why Am I Hideous?

*Some Years Later*

“Gerard’s got a girl friend Gerard’s got a girl friend.”

“Mikey don’t tease!” Donna scolded him.

“Sorry mom.” He sighed.

Ok so remember all those years ago when I said that Mikey and Gerard would be really close?

I wasn’t lying.

They are.

They just also enjoy picking on each other from time to time.

“Come on Gee spill it, who was she.” I asked poking him with my pen.

“She’s just a friend.” he mumbled walking to his room.

“Gerard Arthur Way! Are you walking away from me with info still locked up tight in that brain of yours?” I giggled.

“Aiden just fuck off! God! Cant I keep anything private?!” he raged.

“Well I was just about to “fuck off” back to my sketch but now I’m staying to find out what’s wrong.” I told him.

“Why does something have to be wrong?!” he shouted.

“Because you never talk to me like that, ever, dude I’m you’re big sister, I know you, duh.” I pointed out.

We don’t call each other cousins anymore, we’re brother and sister, and same goes for Mikey.

In-fact the fact I’m actually his cousin by blood and sister by adoption is practically fiction to us now.

None of us have spoken about it for years.

He sighed and looked up at me, tears brimming in his eyes.

“Why am I so hideous Aiden?” he whispered.


Are you freaking kidding me?!

Gerard is one handsome kid!

Seriously, and I mean that in a non-incest way.

He’s a really good looking guy; one tons of girls would trip over themselves to just talk to!

“Gerard, sugar, what’s made you say that?” I asked hugging him.

“Because she didn’t want me, no girls do….all the guys tell me I’m fat and ugly, someone even called me a fag today!” he admitted.

Kids are assholes.

Ok so Gee’s a little on the chubby side but its just…oh what do they call it?

Puppy fat or something, the weight you carry till you’re like fourteen.

“Gerard, you’re not fat, or ugly, or hideous, and you do know there’s nothing wrong with being gay? I’m not saying you are, just making sure you know hun.” I smiled at him.

We talked for hours and a found out a lot of stuff.

Like he’s getting bullied by some limp dick jocks, and the girl he’s like in-love with is a skank, apparently she took really sleazy pictures with her boyfriend or something.

And that he’s been feeling suicidal.

That one stung like a bitch.

Gerard, my little brother Gerard wanting to kill himself?

All because of some dumbass high schoolers telling him no pretty girl would want him?

Well I’ll be damned if I don’t do anything about that.

My best friend’s little sister has the biggest crush on Gee, and she’s a stunner.

I called up jade to arrange a blind date for her sister and Gee.

“Hello?” Jade’s voice came.

“Hi, I’m calling because I found you’re card, I’m wondering if you available to do one of you’re famous bondage nights with me and a few friends.” I said without laughing.

“Hey Aiden!” he giggled.

“Hello there Jade!” I giggled back.

“What’s up?” she asked.

“Does Eliza still have a crush on Gerard?” I questioned.

“Are you kidding me? I’m surprise she hasn’t made a shrine dedicated to him yet!” I cackled.

“Hah, what do you say we set them up on a blind date?” I offered.

“When?” she asked excitedly.

“Tonight?” I suggested.

“Erm….give me a minuet and I’ll ring you back.” She said

“Coolness, talk to you then.” I said before hanging up.

She rang back and Eliza was up for it.

Now to convince Gee…..