The Difference

The Lost

“Oh! I can’t do it Nana. It’s too hard!!” The young woman cried out.
“Nonsense. Your mother could do it and so can you. I can teach you like I taught her. You are older than she was, and have already used your powers. Also, its modern times. You have electric lighting and computers. For your first homework, research the term Witch.” The older lady left the room that the two women were using for practice.
“It’s not fair!” Cathi fumed. “I bet mum didn’t have to work this hard! Nana was pushing me too hard! I mean, it’s only my first magic lesson. I should just get to have a little exercise, like floating pencils or something, not trying to turn a teapot into a mouse. It’s too hard! And homework! It’s only my first time!”
She crossed the room to her computer, and typed in ‘Witch’. She clicked on a seemingly interesting link, Spells for the beginner.
“Oh Karen, why did you go?” the aging woman mutters. “And Lauren, you silly, why didn’t you bring her up to respect her powers, not try to get rid of them?”
An hour later and Cathi is floating pencils round the room, with the mouse that was once a teapot in the cage she conjured for it.
“I can do it! I can’t believe it! I can really do it!” she crows.
“You can do what, dear?” her elderly nana asked.
“How? You said it was Too Hard, didn’t you?”
“I did, but now I can do it! I surfed the net and found a cool site!”
Lauren shakes her head. ”What do you mean, ‘found a site’? You can’t find magic internet things, it’s not right!”
Cathi thinks differently-
“You think electricity is wrong, nana, just face the facts, I can do magic because of the internet!”

The next day. Cathi is grounded and Lauren is at the library.
‘If that old bat thinks she can keep me in my room for two weeks, she’s got another thing coming!’ Cath thought, just before she jumped out of the window, into the tree and down to the cinema, conjuring her purse, suddenly filled with £20 notes.
“Louise, where are you?" her grandma called. She had been missing for almost two hours. Lauren was getting worried, and it was getting late. She had found Cathi’s room empty and thought she had been captured by the evil forces, but there was no sign of a struggle, so she presumed she had run off.
And she was right.
Cathi was just leaving the cinema, after seeing Aladdin, and walked down the high street, looking for her favourite shop, Glitter Bug. It sold tee-shirts, jeans, skirts dresses- all kinds of clothes. And, when it was in stock, jewellery. The thoughts running through Cathy’s mind was not about the ‘precious’ stones and gold and silver chains, though. It was on her Nana, Lauren. Louise knew she would be worried and looking for her.
And she was also right.
The Hooded men were searching. But this time, not for Cathi. They were looking for Lauren, she was the link between magic and Cathi. When she was dead, they would be able to dispose of the girl. It would be easy then. Childs play.
Lauren called all of Cathi’s ‘Friends’, the ones Cathi had told her about. Most of them had grandparents, and she knew everyone over 60 in the whole town, so she knew their numbers, and where they lived if she was there. So, she called at least thirty people, but none had seen her grandchild. She chose to phone the police. She was getting really scared.