Anywhere Is Better Than Here

Chapter Two

I was awakened by a loud clap of thunder and noticed that my whole room lit up when the lightening outside struck. I sleepily turned my body to my right and noticed a black figure standing there, his face right next mine, staring me down. I almost let out a scream until another lightening bolt filled the sky and light poured into my room. It then occurred to me that it wasn't some crazy killer coming to rape me and then chop up my body, it was just my big brother Jacob coming from the next room over.

"I had a really bad dream," he whispered.

"Jake, you're seventeen years old," I said, my voice raspy.

"I know, but I guess it just really gave me a fright. I had to come and check on you and..."

For a full grown seventeen year old, 5'10", 160 pound young adult to come into his fourteen year old sisters room to sleep with her because of a nightmare, it must have been pretty horrid. I instantly felt bad for saying what I did to him. I sighed, "Want to talk about it?"

"Maybe?" he replied as I lifted up the covers to my warm bed.

As soon as he got comfy, he started talking. I must say, it was a pretty gruesome dream. Something that you would probably see in the Saw movie or even Wolfs Creek. I silently thanked God that my back was touching the wall and I wasn't on the other side with my back facing the door like my brother. After he was done, he hugged me tight and was about to get up.

"Thanks, I guess I'll go back to my room now," he said, starting to sit up.

I quickly grabbed his arm, "Don't you even think about leaving now asshole, you think I'm going to be able to sleep alone tonight after that?"

He quietly chuckled, "Oh good, I was hoping you'd say something along the lines of that. Scooch over! I'm falling off the bed."

"I can't move anymore Jake! I'm kinda pressed against the wall!" I whispered, laughing as quietly as possible.

"Alright, this is uncomfortable. Want to go downstairs and play video games until we have to get up? It's already 4:30 so we have an hour in a half to goof around until we have to get ready to school. Besides, I don't think either of us are going back to sleep now," he suggested.

"Sure!" and with that, we both threw the covers off of us and made our way downstairs into the family room where we had all our game stations.

"Rock band?" he asked.

"The drums will be too noisy, guitar hero?" I asked.

"Two or three?"


After picking up our guitars and choosing our characters, me of course being Judy Nails and him being Izzy Sparks. He played on expert while I still played on medium. I've always been more of a drummer anyway. But we had fun with eachother none the less.

Around 5:45, we both decided to start getting ready, seeing as we both need the straightner because we both had really bad, obnoxious bed head. After changing into black leggings, a white tank top, and my school's football team sweatshirt that I got from my brother when he was the quarterback. After straightening my mid-length black hair to perfection and putting on some black eyeliner around my brown eyes, I looked at the clock and noticed it was almost seven already. After grabbing my bag from my bed, I went into my parent's room, kissing my mom on the cheek seeing as my dad had already went to work.

"Have a good day sweetie," she said, half asleep.

"Thanks mom, you too. Do you want me to bring Danielle over to Mrs. Santiago's house?" I asked.

"That would be nice," she mumbled, turning over.

I laughed, saying goodbye to her once again and went into my baby sister's room. She was sleeping contently in her bed with her thumb stuck in her mouth. I "aww'd" at the sight. After waking her up and telling her to get ready, I made my way downstairs, passing Jake on the way and telling him the time. I opened up the pop tart box that we had, sitting on the counter and popping one in my mouth, saving the other for my brother. I didn't have to worry about feeding Danielle, she was always well fed by Mrs. Santiago...We all were.

After ten minutes, Jacob came down holding onto our sister's hand. He grabbed his pop tart and texted Kevin, telling him we were ready to go and that we had to drop off Danielle. Soon enough, there was a car honk and we all made our way outside and into Kevin's brand new silver 2004 Toyota 4runner. I had to sit on Nick's lap because there were too many of us and I wasn't going to put my baby sister in danger for god forbid we got into a car accident. Next we were on our way to Mrs. Santiago. When we got there, I got out of the car and held Danielle's hand while I rang the doorbell. Twenty seconds later the door was opening and I was being pulled into a bone crushing hug by the elderly Hispanic woman that has been a good family friend since my brother was born. I got a kiss on the cheek and a, "Buenos dias, bebe, como esta?"

"Muy bien Mrs. Santiago. Y tu?" I asked, being polite.

"Ohh, muy bien. Buenos dias, nina!" she took her hand, giving me another kiss on the cheek before she took my little sister into the house with her.

Mrs. Santiago has been speaking in Spanish to us since we were children, so now I'm pretty good at it, and the classes I'm taking now are helping a lot. I'm in Spanish II, last year I took Italian.

I walked back to the car, this time getting my own seat in between Nick and Joe. Nick had his arm around my shoulder while Joe was laying his head in my lap, half asleep while I played with his hair as Nick was doing to mine. The three of us were relaxing before we had to go into that hell hole that we called school. That is...until Kevin slammed on the breaks, making all of us jolt forward.

"Asshole!" Kevin yelled out his window while flipping the kid the bird.

He turned around in his seat, "Everybody okay?"

The three of us let out muffled yeah's and Kevin continued turning into the parking lot of the Senior lot. Joe and I would be allowed those privileges next year except for the Junior lot. At least, that's what I'm hoping for, depends if Joe ever decides to take the test any time soon! The poor kid is a terrible driver, he almost killed my dad and I when my dad let him drive us to the grocery store. I was craving apples that day for some reason and we didn't have any at home and Joe was over. My dad had said, "Joseph, today you drive." Once we got out of the car I had fully lost my appetite and I felt as if I was actually going to barf. Ah, good times, good times!

Kevin parked his SUV and we all got out, walking to the Indian Hills High School entrance. I linked my arms with Nick as I made my way towards the doors of teenage hell. Kevin and Jake went to their lockers while Joe and Nick walked on either side of me. I walked past dozens of kids, some talking to their friends, some making out with their boyfriends and girlfriends, some being pushed around by the bullies that weren't my best friends and brother...Yeah, you thought they were nice little religious boys, didn't you? WRONG! I hate when they do it, but I can't help but stand by and watch because everytime I try they just tell be to bud out or be quiet!


"Hey Rooney! How are you this fine morning?" Joe asked, holding the petrified kid by his shirt collar.

"I don't have any money today Joe," the poor boy whimpered.

He looked so helpless and scared, I felt horrible for him! Joe turned towards Nick, smirking. Nick quickly unlooped our arms. "Guys, please, he's just a freshie!" I said.

"Aw, Abby, we're just playing with him, right Rooney?" he slammed him against another locker, "We're just having a little bit of fun!"

"S-Sure," he stuttered.

"Besides Abby, I'm a freshman too, but I don't go crying about things like this," Nick said, slinging an arm around Abby before quickly reverse punching Rooney right in the eye. Ohh, that’s going to leave a mark.

"Joseph! Nicholas!" I said, trying to pull Joe away, "Joe stop, you were a freshman last year along with me!"

"Yeah, so? I didn't have people picking on me or you, we stood up for ourselves. I didn't go around being a wuss like this kid," he turned back to Rooney, "When are you gonna toughen up kid? Huh?"


"Mr. Jonas, put Mr. Rooney down on the floor this instant!" oh shit, teacher.

"Mrs. Conner!" Joe said, dropping Rooney.

I swear that boy darted out of there so fast he left dust behind him. I leaned against the lockers and watched as Joe and Nick made their way out of this one. Of course, all the teachers knew the boys were bullies, but they didn't do anything about because they were such suck ups. So I sat back and watched, my arms crossed against my chest as they made their ways out of this one.

"You boys are in so much-"

"Did you lose weight Mrs. Conner? I must say you look very fashionable this morning," Nick said, charming the woman.

"Why, you think so? Well, I have been trying for awhile now," she giggled, her face turning pink.

"Definitely Mrs. Conner. You look like a super model," Joe added in.

"Oh, you boys," she said, her face turning tomato worthy.

"Well, we must be off to class, we don't want to be late!" Nick said, pulling on mine and Joe's arm.

"Alright boys, see you fifth period Nicholas!" she said, smiling as we left.

She probably completely forgot what had happened, the Jonas and Beckett flattery worked all the time.

After splitting up to go to our lockers, we walked Nick to his first class and then decided to go to ours, which we had together. First period on D days were always such a bore. Joseph and I had Essentials of Chem first. It was okay, we got to do a lab and it's always a plus that your chemistry teacher is cool.

Second period I had English II by myself, none of my friends were in the same class as me. We had a small reading quiz on the play "The Crucible". I found it funny and apparently so did my teacher and one of the acquaintances I had made over the year that the crazy girl that sends most of the village of Salem to jail. My teacher would always make me read Abigail's part when we were acting it out. I have to say, it was a lot of fun and I was a little upset that we were on the last Act.

Third period Joe and I met up again during US History with the most boring teacher you could possibly EVER have! Not to mention he was four rows away from me, so it's not like I could actually talk to him.

Next period was lunch; I met up with my brother on the lunch line. He slung his arm around my shoulder and asked me how my day has been so far and if I had any tests.

"It's going alright, I had a quiz in English," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"And how did you think I did?" he asked, taking me with him as he stepped forward as the line moved.

"It was only four questions. And I did fine, I really like the play we're reading," I said.

"That's good, what play is that?" he asked.

And we got into a conversation about the Play, turns out he read it as well. We were discussing our favorite parts as we made out way out to the courtyard. Joe was sitting in the grass eating his lunch as Kevin was finishing up some last minute homework. We had fifty-eight minutes to ourselves until our next class.

Finally, the last addition to our group walked over, Nick. He sat down next to me and we talked for a bit. Ten minutes later we were interrupted by one of the most popular girls in school (that's a lie, there's really no such thing as popular in high school. But I guess you could say she was well known and liked). I'm not going to say I hate them. We actually get a long pretty well, but the fact that they drool all over Joe and Nick makes me sick. My brother and Kevin just...weren't as loved I guess you could say. I don't think they really cared though, honestly. Besides, something told me they were keeping something secret from me anyways. They both swear their straight, but I can see the way they look at eachother, and try so desperately hard to hide it but it doesn't work. Little sisters see all.

"Hey guys," Mandy said, sitting down next to me.

"Hey Mandy," I said, giving her a small smile.

"Hey babe, do you have a library card? 'Cause I'm checkin' you out." Joe with his stupid pick up lines...

Mandy giggled and flirted back, "Oh Joe, you're so cute."

Oh please gag me with a spork. This is how they spent most of the period. When the first warning bell rang, I got up to go to my locker and get my afternoon books. Thankfully I pretty much had a free period right now. It was time for Print Making and Photography.

Right now, we were just finishing up our wood blocks so we could start printing on Monday. I had this class with Mandy so naturally she sat next to me and talked my ear off all period long!

"So Abby, I was wondering..." oh no! I know where this is going!

"Yeah?" I asked hesitantly.

"Can you maybe...set me up with Joe?" she asked hopefully.

I sighed, I got this a lot. Curse my best friends for being the heart throbs of the school! I turned towards her in my stool, "I...guess so...I mean, sure, whatever. I'll talk to him for you."

She smiled widely at me and pulled me into a hug, "You're the best friend a girl could ask for! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I laughed and pulled away from her, "But only on one condition."

"Anything!" she said, showing off her pearly whites.

"You break his heart I break your face. Sorry, needs to be said. I guess you could call it a best friend thing, right? I've known this kid since I was born," she didn't look so excited now, her smile faltered.

"Oh- um, yeah," she smiled widely again, "No need to worry about that though! Ohhh! I'm so excited!"

"Chill Mandy, I'll talk to him after school. We are supposed to be going to my house after anyways," I said.

"Who's we?" she asked.

"Well, after school, Kevin usually drives us, my brother and I, home. And so since today's Friday and my parents are going out with Joe's parents, the boys are sleeping over. We're probably going to pull an all nighter." I said, smiling at the idea of it.

"Oh," she said, and her blue eyes instantly lit up, "You should throw a party! I can get the booze!"

I shook my head and showed her the ring that was similar to Nick, Kevin, and Joe's. My brother had one as well, "Sorry, but this is my promise to God that I will stay pure."

She looked at me weirdly, "Oh- okay, I guess...That's cool..."

Finally, the bell rang and we both got up.

"So I'll see you Monday then?" she asked, hopefully.

"Yeah, and I'll talk to Joe tonight," I said.

"Okay, have fun at your sleep over! Thanks again Abby, it means a lot. Oh, wait, and here's my number! Text me this weekend. Maybe we could hang out or go to the mall or something," she said, quickly giving me her number, as I gave her mine.

"Yeah, okay, I'd have to see. Okay, now I got to go, I'm gonna be late," and I left the room to go to the one across the hall for Spanish.

The last two periods flew by quickly, thank god. After the last bell rang, I flew down the stairs to the hallway my locker was in and quickly got my stuff. Tonight was going to be so much fun, I honestly couldn't wait.
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By the way, I wanna thank the readers I have right now.
It's only been two hours and I already have 10 readers and 3 subscribers.
Thank you guys so much, you're amazing! <3