Anywhere Is Better Than Here

Chapter Four

As I made my way downstairs, I was attacked by Nick who instantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down into his lap on the crappy couch we had. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck from behind me.

"Nicky!" I whined, trying to get out of his tight grip.

"No! Stay!" he whined back, holding onto me tighter.

I honestly hate when I'm pulled down into anyone's laps, I just find it uncomfortable. Not to mention I've always felt like I was crushing the person. But thankfully Joe decided to step in and pull me from his little brother's grip, "Waltz with me!"

I finally remembered Mandy, "Better yet, I need to talk to you love!"

"Okay," and he pulled me into the corner and sat me down on my drum stool, "What's up? Are you okay? Who do you want me to beat the shit out of?" he asked, instantly getting serious.

"No, no, no!" I said quickly, "Nothing's wrong Joe, really. I was actually just wondering, how do you feel about Mandy?"

His furrowed eyebrows slightly rose up into ones of surprise, "Uh...she's hott, why?"

I clapped my hands together, "Great! So, would you ever go out with her?"

"Yeah, I guess," he said, "Why?"

"Because she asked me to set you and her up, but I told her that if she breaks your heart I get to break her face," I said back with a smile.

He laughed, pulling me into a hug, "Your sadisticness makes me happy."

"It makes me happy too," I laughed, pulling away and taking his hand and walking over to the others.

I sat down on the couch between Nick and Joe. Nick placed his head on my shoulder instantly and noticed he was playing guitar hero on the plasma screen TV we had hanging on in the center of the wall, opposite to the instruments. Joe laid his head on my other shoulder, placing his arm around my waist. I leaned back, resting my head on top of Nicks and watched as my brother and Kevin joked around with eachother on the other crappy couch.

The two of them were just too cute! I really hoped my brother came out soon so he could tell Kevin how he really felt. I prayed for that moment to happen soon so that the two could finally be fully happy.

"You guys wanna go out?" Jake asked.

"Jake, we can't leave Danny home alone. You're out of your mind," I said, lifting my head from the bush of curls it was lying on.

"Oh yeah, alright, so what if you stay home?" he asked.

I sighed, "Whatever."

"I'll stay with her to keep her company," Nick volunteered.

"Whatever floats your boat, dude," my brother said, getting up from the couch and grabbing Kevin's hand to bring him up as well, "You coming Danger?"

"I'm gonna go," he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek and unwrapping his arm around me.

I kissed him on his cheek and told him, "Okay, have fun. Be careful."

"We will," my brother and Kevin said, coming over and gave me a kiss on the cheek as well.

"Bye," Nick and I said, waving goodbye as the three of them walked up the stairs.

Once we heard the door close, we both looked at eachother. "Battleship?" I asked, pointing towards the board games I owned.

"Definitely," he said, getting up and turning off Guitar Hero.

After setting up our ships, we played for about two hours. He beat me three times, I beat him twice. We both looked at the clock; 12:34 AM. I was getting kind of tired and was starting to let my head droop. Nick closed our boards and picked me up, settling down on the couch with me. He got one of the comforters we kept in the corner of the room that we kept down here for nights like these, placing it over the both of us. I lied as close to the back of the couch as I could, not wanting Nick to fall off. He had his arm wrapped around my waist, his knees in the crevices where mine were bent.

I let out a low giggle and turned to face him, "You're pretty much spooning me right now Nicholas. How does that make you feel?"

He laughed, "It makes me feel kind of hot and bothered, but I guess I'll just have to deal, won't I?"

Such smooth talkers these Jonas boys were, hm? I laughed, giving him a kiss on the cheek, before turning back around so my face towards the couch. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and put it on the arm rest of the couch before snuggling into the pillow Nick had laid down for us. I fell asleep to Nick's cool breath hitting my neck and his arm wrapped securely around my waist, keeping my back firm against his chest. It was probably the best sleep I was going to get in awhile...
♠ ♠ ♠
My favorite part was the end, what was yours?
That's taken from an actual experience, just add two more people!
To make a long story short, lets just say it was freaking hilarious
because I was being suffocated and so was my poor friend Mel.

I know it's short, but believe me, the good part comes next chapter :]
Oh my god you guys are soooo going to hate me for next chapter.
Get pumped. I'm excited. Please, keep reading, SUBSCRIBE!
It's about to get interesting! Now, I'm gonna go and get started on Chapter Five.
Thanks guys for reading, it means a lot. It be awesome if you guys could comment also though.
