Anywhere Is Better Than Here

Chapter Seven

Where am I? Why is it so dark? Mommy! Abby! Frankie! It smells so bad here! I'm scared...Please! I hurt so bad! Get me out! MOMMY!

"There isn't enough skin! We don't have the time to make artificial skin!"


"What are we going to do!?"

"The family just arrived, they just received the news."

Mommy! Mommy please! Help me! Mommy I'm scared!


"Her heart rate is speeding up! She can't breath!"

Daddy? Is that you Daddy? And Jakey too! Daddy it hurts so bad! Please!

"She's not breathing people! She's not breathing!"

Why are you telling me to go back Daddy? I don't want to be alone again! It's warm here, Daddy. Jake, why are you pointing to the dark? I don't want to go to the dark side again Jakey! It's cold over there and I feel lonely and scared. Where's Abby and Mommy?


"We're losing her!"

I like it over here Daddy. I don't want to go back. I want to stay with you and Jakey.

"Time of death, 5:16 PM," the doctor said tiredly.

"We did all we could," the nurse said, placing her hand on the doctor's shoulder.

"Yes, we did, but that wasn't enough," he said, pulling the sheet over the little girls body.

"We need to go tell the family now," the nurse said, steering the doctor out of the room. She took one last glance at the small body lying under those white sheets before closing the door behind her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys! I know, I'm horrible.
How could I make little Danny die?
Anyways, yes it is short, but please comment and subscribe.
I would really appreciate it.

x, alexis.