One New Message

Jonas Live chat =\

"Hey Peyton," I greeted my best friend while flopping onto my bed. I was still wiped out from waking up at 8:00, even if I didn't stay up late. I called her to inform her on the Jonas tickets.

"Yo yo yoo!" she responded in her own, perfectly normal for Peyton, way.

"I hope you are sitting down and away from all sharp objects," I cautioned, knowing the news I was about to break to her could cause her to go into cardiac arrest then and there and collapse.

"You know my mom... no more pens, pencils, scissors, etc. aloud in my room," Peyton grumbled. Peyton... how can I put this nicely? Peyton is a klutz. Her mom even childproofed the corners on her dressers and desk because Peyton has even fallen into those before... I had to stifle a laugh, reminiscing in those memories. Painful for her, hilarious to me.

"That's good because I have something that could very well be life changing for you," I started.
Peyton hasn't been to a Jonas concert yet. I know how she does act at concerts since we went to Bamboozle together last year. She's one of those kinds of people who attract a lot of attention... a lot. If she caught the eye of a Jonas at this concert... I cannot even fathom her reaction. My aunt let me buy a 4th ticket so I could bring a friend.

"My life could use a good change," she responded.

"Well, I got tickets to this concert," I began. I'm going to drag this out as long as I can.

"The Sassyback Tour?" she guessed, noting that I had been dying for those tickets. Cobra Starship, Sing It Loud, and Forever the Sickest Kids together was just too good to be true.

"Sadly... no," I sighed while shaking my head even though she couldn't see.

"Did your mom or dad finally buy Andrea those Taylor Swift tickets? Wait... that doesn't involve me or affect my life," she pondered.

"Wanna know?" I asked excitedly. I got no response but I could tell she just shook her head, hanging on my every word, " Well I got front row to the Jonas Brothers at the Garden," I cringed as I heard a metallic clang. She dropped the phone, I could tell.

"Let me steady my breathing, then I'll tell you my reaction," she calmly stated with a shaky voice. Well this is a shock, I expected and ear-splitting scream. As if she were reading my mind, a shrill squeal cackled out of my phone's speaker. That's the Peyton I know! It was my turn to drop the receiver and covered my ears.

"You there?" I cautiously questioned once there was silence. I was well aware of the pain throbbing in my ears.2

"Yeah! Yeah, I am!" she rapidly composed herself. I'm glad the teenie moment was over, I can only take so much.

"Can you come over? I'm stuck babysitting the twins," I grimaced. As adorable as they were, they can be a pain. I know that Peyton was fully aware of that due to the first and last time she met them...

She took a long pause and was hesitant in answering, "Alright but I'm only coming to learn more about the concert, mind you!"

"See ya soon!" I hung up. Now to find those gremlins... we were playing hide and seek and I was supposed to be 'counting.'

After I filled Peyton in on every last detail as she had wished, we decided to give Jason a call and see if he wanted to swing by. First call, no answer. Home phone, no answer. Second time we called his cell, no answer. Shocker there.

"Where is that faggler?!" Peyton said exasperated. Faggler is one of those words that Peyton just creates randomly. She makes words on the spot, most likely names such as faggler.

"I'll check if he's on AIM," I informed her while walking over to my computer. Jason was on... and so was my penpal.

Chiefs81 has entered the chat.
xxNJ_girlxx has entered the chat.

Chiefs81 says: Calm yourself!!! I lost my cell and my sister is on the house phone!
xxNJ_girlxx says: You can make it up to Peyton and I by getting your scrawny ass over here!
Chiefs81 says: Oh, I feel the love. If I come over... will I be harmed? :/
xxNJ_girlxx says: Of course! ;D
Chiefs81 says: Be there in 5
Chiefs81 has left the chat.

"He's coming!" I sing-songed to Peyton was currently getting her make-up done by Danni. 'Help me!' she mouthed with a frightened and frantic expression as Danni turned her attention to the case of eyeshadow and blush. I laughed as I turned back to the screen.I had been invited to yet another chat by my penpal.

apianoplaysmusic has entered the chat.
xxNJ_girlxx has entered the chat.

apianoplaysmusic says: Hey!
xxNJ_girlxx says: helloha
apianoplaysmusic says: . . .?
xxNJ_girlxx says: hello+aloha= helloha. My own personal greeting :]
apianoplaysmusic says: Okay.. moving on. The Jonas Brothers are having a LIVE CHAT. You're going to watch it right?
xxNJ_girlxx says: Depends... will Chris Drew be there?
apianoplaysmusic says: Who? Let me guess, another band member you are obsessed with.
xxNJ_girlxx says: You know me all too well xD
apianoplaysmusic says: but I DON'T know you at the same time!! WOOOAAA THAT'S SOME CRAZY SHIZZ!
xxNJ_girlxx says: no comment.
apianoplaysmusic says: But that was a comment! HA!
xxNJ_girlxx says: And YOU'RE older than me?
apianoplaysmusic says: I'm glad you finally realized I'm older than you. It only took about 2 years! A brand new record for yourself! YAY!
xxNJ_girlxx says: Que eyeroll. And scoff.
apianoplaysmusic says: You sound like a 13 year old.
xxNJ_girlxx says: You sound like a 2 year old.
apianoplaysmusic says: At least I don't act like an old man!!
xxNJ_girlxx says: Well I obviously don't either since you just told me I acted like a 13 year old!!
apianoplaysmusic says: xP I forgot to ask. How'd the tickets go?
xxNJ_girlxx says: Sadly.. insanely well. We got front row to Madison Square Garden.
apianoplaysmusic says: and that's a bad thing?!
xxNJ_girlxx says: When you don't want to go it is.
apianplaysmusic says: I have to go but the Live Chat is on in about 10 minutes. Promise me you'll watch?
xxNJ_girlxx says: What the hell is with you and the Jonas Brothers?! It's creeping me out!! I'll probably end up watching it anyway since my Jonas obsessive friend is here.
apianoplaysmusic says: GOOD! I'll be quizzing you on it to be sure! see ya!
xxNJ_girlxx says: Buhbye.

The doorbell went off. Perfect timing. Now that we were probably going to be watching the live chat, I'm glad I have a non-jonas friend here with me to chill with while Peyton's nose is pressed up against the computer monitor or she'll be making out with Nick through the screen. Oh Peyton, what will I do with her?

"Get me inside! I forgot a jacket!" Jason shivered while pushing past me. I watched him as he jumped up and down on his toes while rubbing his bare arms. Dumbass.

"It's frigging October! Grab a sweatshirt once in awhile!" I scolded while running upstairs to grab one of my own for him from the hall closet. I have plenty in his size which sadly basically reach my knees. Whenever I go down the shore in the summer, I always end up stealing some guy's by accident. At night on the beach, it gets cold. Shiver even the littlest bit and they're all stripping down for you. That easy. I tossed Jason an old Rutgers hoody and made my way into the basement.

"There's a Jonas live chat, so beware. Oh, and the Gremlins are here so beware of that too," I warned over my sholder as I bounded down the steps to my own room. I saw Peyton, who had her face and hair made up ridiculously, Danni, and Maddy pressed against eachother to get a good view of the screen. Oh Lord, here we go.

"I brought that CD you asked me to burn," he tossed it to me, "It's got everything you asked for plus a few I just threw on there for fun."

"Thanks darling!" I thanked while tackling Jason onto the bed with a hug, both of us laughing. I hopped off of him and started jumping out of pure boredom and randomness. I watched as he also bounced on his back because of my own jumps.

"Well, are you going to put it on or not?!" he asked still laughing, as was I.

"Of course! Thanks again, retard," I raced over to my DVD player since I don't have a radio and normally play CDs on my computer, which was currently being occupied, and hit play. You Left Me by The Maine started playing immediately. I began to dance wildly in the middle of my room, limbs going every which way as were my hips and my hair. I pulled Jason up to join me. After going through the CD he burned for me and endless dancing, if you can even call it that, I realized that the Live Chat had started.

"How is it?" I asked them while dragging a seat over. I watched as Nick, Joe, and Kevin scrolled through the questions which were being fired a million a second.

"Shhh! Oh wait, what's your log-in? I don't have one and we wanna post questions," Peyton asked quickly, obviously not wanting to miss a minute of this.

"It's the same as my AIM, password is 'retard'," I informed while picking at my nails, already bored. I looked up as Peyton quickly scrawled in a question containing paper weights and rocks, who the hell knows, its Peyton.

"Ever think of going green and using rocks as a paperweight instead of a man made one?" Kevin read the question a loud.

"Holy shit! That's my question!" Peyton squealed!

"Language!" I warned with a stern look, "My cousins are here!" I was completely tuned out by her as she listened to their response.

"Wait, what was that username?" Joe questioned with a look of excitement on his face.

"xxNJ_girlxx, why?" Nick answered, his own question being ignored by Joe.

"Alex?" Joe whispered. My eyes widened. What. The. Hell?
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Sorry It's been forever.

More will be up soon!