Your Heart in My Hands

Deee and Ohhh

"Give it up, Ohhh. You'll never win," I taunted.

"Ha! I'll never cave. You're goin' up against the champ, Deee," he laughed.

I tapped my finger tips on the desk nervously.

He continued to stare me down.

Three... Two... One.


I slammed my hand hard on the table.

"Damnit!" He rubbed his eyes.

"Aha! I win!" I did my victory dance. "Say it!"

He shook his head, "Nuh uh. No way, Deee. You cheated."

I pouted, "Come on, Johnny! You promised."

He rolled his eyes, "Ugh... All hail Deee. She is truly the best at everything."

I smiled, basking in my victory.

Well, ohkay I really didn't win anything. It was a staring contest.

Uhm... Where do I start? Hmm...

My name is Kyra Dean. Hence my nickname "Deee." I have pitch black hair with dark purple eyes to match. John O'Callaghan was my best friend. We went through everything together. Graduation. Break-ups. You name it.

Oh, and another thing. I been falling in love with him more and more each day. He dazzled me with every smile he gave.

It was completely unintentional, I swear. I knew he just liked me as a friend, and I accepted that. I kept my feelings to myself.

And yet, each day I spent with him, my guilt for not telling him got to me. I always told myself to ignore the urge to tell him. It was torture to say the least.

He ruffled his brown hair and sighed, "I'm bored."

I giggled, "Is there ever a time where you're not bored?"

He ran his finger along his chin, "Uh........nope." He smiled.

I smiled back, "Alright then, Ohhh. What do you want to do?"

"Hm..." He sat up in his chair, "How 'bout a movie?"

"There's nothing good out," I grimaced. "I already looked."

"Damn," he scratched his head.

John and I usually did this, spending entire days with each other, doing nothing, just laughing. And we loved it. He'd always wrap his arms around me and sigh that he was bored. I will forever be the one to entertain his prolonged boredom. Not to mention, I will always be his traveling hospital.

The boy is accident-prone, and I'm the one with the purse. Do the math.

When we weren't doing this, I would be sitting on our friend Pat's old couch watching them play. I loved and supported their band with every fiber in my body. Pat, Kennedy, Garrett, and Jared were all my non-blood brothers.

"What can we do then?" he asked.

"We can go for a walk in the park. Good enough for you?" I smirked.

He stuck his tongue out at me and smiled, "Let's get a move on, Deee." He got off his seat and headed towards the door while simultaneously grabbing my hand.

I followed him out the door while laughing to myself. We ran to the nearest park. Once we stopped, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I placed my arms around his hips. We made a steady pace through the wooded trail.

I heard tiny snickers from girls and seniors as we tried to match our foot steps. We came close to falling probably like five times.

He laughed, "God, we're spastic."

I stuck my tongue out at him, "You say that like it's a bad thing."

He chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair, "No, of course not."Best Friends Forever Together
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I told you I'd do it, didn't I?