Your Heart in My Hands


Normal Point Of View.

Tina had to forcefully push me--which ruined my favorite Converses by the way--to the back of The Maine's trailer. I finally gave up resisting and willingly walked there myself. She gave me a comforting two thumbs up as if I was about to head out center-stage to a giant crowd.

I rolled my eyes and began to pace behind the trailer. The night's darkness began to crawl its way over me. Where is John? He should be here by now.

Someone coughed in the cloudy haze of the parking lot.

I panicked, "Who's there?"

Someone hushed me, "Relax. It's me, John."

"Good God!" I held my heart in place. "Don't scare me like that!"

He chuckled and made his way over to me, "My bad. I thought you might have forgotten about meeting me here."

"Well, here I am."

"Here you are."

"What did you want to tell me?"

"I-I just wanted to know something."

My heart rate started to picked up speed. This is it. My secret will finally be exposed after this pivotal moment.

He sighed, "You would tell me everything, right?"

I nodded slowly.

"I mean, like, you wouldn't lie to me? You'd tell me the whole truth?"

"Where are you heading with this, John? You know me. Of course I would tell you anything."

He shook has head, "No, I'm saying that if I asked you a p-personal question, you wouldn't get offended? You'd tell me the truth...?"

"Of course," I said plainly.

He exhaled sharply, "Uhm, alright. Well, this is personal. So, I just wanted to make sure."

I chuckled, "Alright. Shoot."

He scratched the side of his head, "Deee, do you-"


"Damnit," he muttered.

I turned around just as Alex ran up to us with a crazed smile on his face, "'Sup, guys."

John tapped his foot nervously, "Not much, Alex."

Alex smirked at John, "Anyway, we thought we would play a little, you know, tour kick-off game."

I raised my eyebrow, "What game?"

"Truth or dare," he smiled.

I rolled my eyes, "You are so predictable."

He chuckled, "I know."

John sighed, "Can we pass?"

Alex laughed harder than I expected, "Not really. All Time Low is headlining so we get to choose whether or not you play. And guess what? You're playing."

"Alex!" I whined.

"Kyra!" He mimicked.

"Douche." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He smiled, "I know. But you're playing. I do not care if you bite me or hex me! You are playing! You too, John!" He grabbed our hands and pulled us onto their bus.

John groaned, "I really do not want to do this."

I smiled to him, "Why not? It could be fun."

"Well, one reason is that this is Alex and Jack we are going up against."

"Oh, this could be a problem," I confessed.

He chuckled, "You think?"

"Your sarcasm is dripping."

"I know," he smiled.