Your Heart in My Hands


When John and I got inside All Time Low's tour bus, Jack, Zack, Rian, Derek, Jared, Kennedy, Pat, Garrett, and Tina were sitting in a circle. They smiled to us as we stumbled clumsily to the floor.

Tina gave me a sympathetic smile, "I told Alex not to go looking for you."

I sighed, "Well, it is Alex. He can't be stopped that easily."

"True true."

Alex cleared his throat, "Alright, now that we have the latest addition to our game. Kyra, John, you ready?"

We laughed," Oh, most definitely." I smiled.

Alex sat down with us, "Ohkay, then! Who wants to go first?"

Kennedy smirked to John. He coughed, "Kyra!"

My jaw dropped, "Kenny!"

"Oh, come on, Deee. It can't be that bad."

I sighed, "Oh, fine."

Jack grinned, "Truth or dare, Deee?"

"Erm," I scratched my head. "Dare, I guess."

Rian clapped his hands, "Brave! I'll give you that."

The sweat gathered on the back of my neck, "So, what do I have to do?"

John looked to me nervously.

Derek and Jack whispered to each other. Derek cleared his throat, "Mkay, Deee. We dare you to..."


"Make out with Alex for at least a minute!"

"WHAT?!?!" I nearly screamed.

Alex's expression didn't become worried, just as mine did, his grin just grew wider. I will slap him once this is over.

"You have to do it," Jack smiled.

I pointed an accusing finger at him, "You will not live to play the next show."

He shook his head, "Now, now, that is no way to deal with a dare."

"But! I-"

"Just do it," Derek said flatly.

Kennedy and Tina stared in disbelief. John's glare switched between Jack, Derek, and Alex. All of which are now on my mile-long death list.

"Chill, Deee," Alex cooed. "I won't rape you."

My nerves slightly settled.

"Maybe just a notch below that."

Fuck it.

Alex held his arm out to me. I took it, my limbs still shaking. We sat on the couch. John looked to me with a regretting stare.

If I live through this, John will probably never forgive me.

I turned to Alex and nodded.

He placed his hand on my neck and pressed his lips to mine. I tried to maintain my safe distance away from him while still keeping my lips on his.

That sadly failed as Alex pulled me closer with his free hand, pushing my body up against his. I could feel his hands wander up and down my body.

John's piercing stare scared me even more than Alex's kiss did.

Alex's tongue slid across my bottom lip. I had no choice but to abide by this stupid game. I didn't expect what I did next to happen. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer than he was already.

Jack and the others began to chant, "Thirty more seconds!"

I sighed into the kiss, which, I suppose could be misconceived as a moan. I could feel the corner of Alex's mouth curl into a smile.

"Time!" Rian said.

Alex pulled away just as I did. I looked down to my feet as soon as I could, avoiding John's eyes.

I am so beyond dead for that.