Your Heart in My Hands


I stood in front of John with tears gathering at the crevices of my eyes. My heart grew heavy, weighing me down with as many unbearable thoughts as possible. John looked to me with the same stare, mad yet not completely heartless.

I smeared away the salt water that poured out of me, "You don't have any idea. You don't. You don't have a single clue. It's harder than it seems, you know."

"What is?" He said quietly.

"Holding on to something that I thought was real."

He didn't reply. My anger began to stir inside me.

"Why can't you say anything?!" I threw my hands up in anger. "You are pushing the very last nerve in my body, O'Callaghan!" I burst out. Only one three word phrase could stop me from punching him square in the jaw in about five seconds. "Why can't you just say something already? I am sick of apologizing for things that never needed to be said. Do you even care that I want to leave all this?"

"Of course I care!" He yelled in reply.

"Well, it sure doesn't seem like it. I don't know what to do anymore with you, John! You are the only thing that is keeping me here. You're my friend. And that's the only reason. But you haven't really been acting like it so I see no point in me staying," I threatened. I turned my heel and began to head back to the venue. John stopped me my grabbing my arm, "Get the hell off m-"

I was interrupted my John pressing his lips to mine. He cupped my face in his soft hands, gently pushing my face to his. His touched warmed my frost-bitten cheeks. I tangled my fingers in his hair. Time stood still, holding that very moment in a still frame. My heart stopped beating. I couldn't breathe.

I never wanted to let him go for the fear of him disappearing. I'm dreaming. I have to be.

He broke it off and rested his forehead on mine.

I stuttered, "What was that for?"

"I think I have an idea of what you're talking about," he sighed.

I searched for answer in his eyes.

"I can't sleep. I can't breathe knowing that you're sitting on the other side of the van, crying. You don't know what your smile does to me. You're like a drug. I found myself becoming more and more addicted everyday I spent with you," he confessed.

My eyes felt like over-flowing waterworks. He pressed his lips to mine again, this time more forcefully.

I pushed him away, "J-john. I'm just so confused."

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, "I think you're beautiful, no matter how pessimistic you make out yourself to be. You're amazing in every way. And I'm sorry that I wasted all this time-"

"Tell me," I said suddenly.

"Tell you what?"

"Tell me that you love me, and you don't need to explain anything."

He looked into my eyes intently, "I love you, Kyra. "

I kissed him softly, "I love you, too, John."

He wiped away my remaining tears with his sleeve. He sighed, "I hate seeing you cry. Especially if I'm the one who caused it."

I let out a small smile, "I thought I just told you that all was forgiven."

He grinned then kissed me again. We stayed like that, just swaying in the breeze. My lips were on fire from his touch, almost numb from the electric shock in his kiss. My knees buckled. I had to strain myself just to refrain from collapsing.

Out of the blue, an unknown applause erupted from around us. We broke off the kiss and looked around.

Tina, Kennedy, Pat, Alex, Garrett, Jared, and the rest of the bands stood in front of us clapping their hands.

"You have no idea of how long we have been waiting for that to happen," Kennedy smiled.

Pat chuckled, "Yeah, we almost gave up on you guys."

I stuck my tongue out at him, "You guys are no help at all. You could have at least told him to tell me."

Pat and Kennedy shrugged, "How were we supposed to do that? And besides it seems like you've got everything covered with the, uh, making out behind the trailer thing. Wonderful hiding spot by the way." Kennedy smirked.

John laughed, "Is the show over?"

Alex rolled his eyes, "Uh, kind of. You don't realize how long you guys were missing. Scared Peter half to death. I just told him that you guys had some unfinished business to attend to."

I smiled, "Thanks, Alex. I owe you one."

He blushed, "No problem, Deee."
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Sorry if this was confusing. I had a hard time writing this one.