Your Heart in My Hands


So. Here I sit. Staring atJohn the stage. On the verge of drooling on a fan's t-shirt. Oh, this totally works for me. I had to mentally slap myself every five seconds to refrain from keeping my eyes on the stage. Improvement? Yes? No?

I have no idea. One of the big benefits is that John and I are "together," I guess you can call it. Tina basically freaked out when I told her. Apparently I'm supposed to tell her first before I start making out with my ex-best friend and now boyfriend.

I feel like I'm shackled in Cupid's basement. Lovely. I bet Cupid's basement is pink with flowers entangled in the chains that smell like lavender. Oh, my God. I would die there.

Uhm, yah. Went off subject. Hehe, I've been doing that lately.

Ohkay, back to the staring. Uh, I mean, selling the merch.

"One All Time Low hoodie," the fan requested. He took out his wallet.

"What size?" I asked while I fumbled with one of the boxes.


I took out the hoodie and handed it to him, "There you go."

"How much?"

"Forty dollars."

He scoffed, "Are you kidding me?"

"Look, I don't make the prices. I just sell stuff until The Maine is done performing." I tried to control my temper.

He leaned closer to me and put his hand on mine, "I can't get a discount or something?"

I removed my hand, "Uh, no, not really. And don't try that with me. I have a boyfriend."

Phew. Never thought I'd say that. I had to admit the guy was cute. But I have made a commitment. I will not waste all those years of keeping my secret just for one guy that I probably will never see again.

"Oh, come on. My name is Evan. Who is he? I bet he's not as good a kisser as I am," he winked.

"Fuck off, perv! Why should I tell you who I'm dating?" I folded my arms across my chest.

He shrugged, "Fine. I'm supposing you're lying then."

"I am not lying," I glared.

"Then tell me his name," he persisted.

I sighed, still keeping my glare on him, "John."

Common enough name, right? He won't have to know that I'm dating John. It's something worth bragging about, but I don't want John to think I'm telling everyone.

"John who?"

"Does this really matter?"


"On what?"

"Is he here?"

"Yes, he's here."


"By the stage." Lying. Well, not really lying. It's technically the truth.

"Oh, so which one is he? I basically know everyone in this building."

I rolled my eyes, "This is really none of your business."

He chuckled, "Just tell me his last name."

I bit my tongue, "O'Callaghan." I finally said.

He laughed harder than I expected, "You are such a liar!"

Tina walked up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders, "What going on?"

He pointed to me, "You're working with a poser, you know that?"

She scoffed, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"She said she's dating John O'Callaghan! She's a fucking poser!" He laughed.

My jaw dropped. Tina glared at him, "Listen, you dick. She's telling the truth. She is dating John."

He rolled his eyes, "The standards for the valuable merch girl has gone down the drain."

"Shut up, ass wipe!" I yelled.

"Woah, what happened?" John walked up behind us. I was so busy I didn't even realize that the set ended already.

Evan's jaw dropped, "John!"

"Hey," I said quietly.

He kissed me softly, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I shook it off.

"I'll tell you what happened," Tina said. "This douche bag called her a liar right after he tried to sell himself for some free merch."

John glared at him, "Is that true?"

Evan tried to look innocent. Let's just say that it didn't work out very well, "How was I supposed to know she would give in? She looked gullible enough!"

I made a dive for him but was stopped when John grabbed my waist and held me still," Get out of here!" I yelled.

He laughed, "Not going to happen, doll."

John's look turned deadly. I saw him take his fist back. Before I knew it, Evan was on the floor, cradling his face in his hands. Blood was dripping down the sides of his face.