Your Heart in My Hands

Deja Vu

I watched them on stage with a small smile on my face. John's voice hypnotized me every note he sang. Good Lord. I sound like a lovey-dovey preppy. Not really my crowd.

Girls jumped up and down, screaming John's name. I have to endure this. Just a few more minutes.

It was times like this that made me think of that stupid Hannah Montana song. What was it called? Oh, yeah. If We Were A Movie.

I'm John's girlfriend, something I've been waiting for so long. But what happens now? Will we get married? Will it just end here? Will we go our separate ways and end up living happier lives or miserable ones?

My thoughts were interrupted by another fan wanting to buy a t-shirt. A hoped in my head that I wouldn't have a repeat of the last venue.

No blood. Period. End of story.

"Can I help you?" I asked in my politest voice over the blaring sound of the music and treble.

"Yeah," she said in a pixie-like tone. "Give me those booty-shorts."

Jeez. You could say 'please,' you know.

I handed them to her. As she took out her money and placed it in my hand, her eyes narrowed, "Wait a second."

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

She took a long look at me, "You're that girl that said she was John O'Callaghan's girlfriend!"

"Uhm, what are you talking about?" I panicked. This was a good day. I hate deja vu.

"You are her!" She yelled, gathering a majority of the eyes around us. She was probably in her late teens.

Damn--Don't lose it. Just breathe. Lie. Anything. "I seriously don't know what you're talking about."

"You ruined my chance with him, you bitch!" She screamed as her hand struck me across the cheek.

My hair flew into my face, "You did not just slap me."

"Maybe I did," she glared.

"Ohkay, you need to deal, you stupid celebrity slut" I fired.

"What did you just call me?"

"You heard me. You're a celebrity slut."

"Don't call me that, you poser!"

"Don't mess with me, you groupie whore!"

She cocked her head to the side, "Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it?"

I chuckled, "This--" I swung my arm at her, knocking her to the ground. So much for no blood. How ironic.

The crowd gathered around us as she pulled me down. Tina ran into to help, separating us as fast as she could. She pushed us apart, "What the fuck is going on?!"

The girl pointed her overly-manicured finger at me, "She called me a celebrity slut after stealing John from me!"

"I did not steal him from you!" I yelled back.

Tina pushed the girl to the ground, "You are a celebrity slut. Most likely one that had too much to drink."

Before I could see anything else happen, the girl made a dive for Tina, hitting her directly in the face. I yanked her off, only to earn myself a punch to the stomach.

Two hands were pulling me back from the quarrel. I could hear John's voice whispering in my ear, "Calm down; I'm here."

I collapsed in his arms, "I'm so sorry." I whispered back with a trembling voice.

He hushed me while stroking my hair, "It's not your fault."

I could see Pat holding on to Tina through my disheveled hair. A bump formed on the bottom of her chin.

I searched around us for the girl that started this. Another fist was thrown, knocking me and John to the floor.

"No one messes with me," I could smell the alcohol in her breath as she bent down to hiss at me.

I swung my leg under her, sending her down just as the bouncers arrived.

Took you long enough...

I stood up as fast as I could. John was on the floor, surrounded by Kennedy, Garrett, Peter, and Jared. He held his wrist to his chest with a pained look on his face.

I knelt at his side, "John, are you ohkay?"

He sighed, still clutching his wrist, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Uhm, no, you're not," Peter said.

"Man, we've got to get you to the hospital," Kennedy insisted.

The bouncer came up to us, "The ambulance is on its way."

I stroked John's hair, "Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I-I shouldn't have--"

"Deee, stop," John interrupted. "I would have done the same thing." He smiled, "And you did say that you would throw the next punch."

I chuckled with whatever strength I had.

"Ma'am, please move out of the way." A man with a gurney pushed me to the side.

I watched with fear in my eyes as John sat in the ambulance with Tina. I rushed to their side, but someone pushed me back.

"I'm sorry, you can't come in."

I stepped back. The ambulance drove off. Kennedy wrapped his coat around me as we waited for its lights to fade.
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I am not good at describing fight scenes...