Your Heart in My Hands


Hailing a cab and remaining silent during the ride to the airport was incredibly easy. Buying the plane ticket, well, that was an entirely different story.

I had no idea where to go. I could go back to Tempe then deal with John when he gets back. Or I could go to somewhere new and start all over. I'm leaning closer toward the second choice.

I bet your wondering why I'm doing this. I can't really explain it. But in short, when guilt comes after you, the safest and easiest way to deal with the pressure is to just run away from all of it. I'm sure that could start many conversations, but it's my decision, not yours. Deal with it.

I sighed as I was next in line. The woman at the counter smiled and motioned me to come forward, "How may I help you?"

I took another look at the list of cities that were boarding. One city caught my eye, "One ticket to Richmond, Virginia, please." I said quietly.

She typed up something on her computer and smiled again. The tickets printed beside her. She handed them to me with a chuckle, "Last minute trip?"

I nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact, "Last minute getaway."

"Be safe. Enjoy your flight," she said finally.

I grabbed the tickets and scurried to a seat. I plopped my bag down and sighed yet again. This was harder than in the movies. They made it seem so easy, running away.

The worst was yet to appear. Well, it just did right now.

Kennedy ran to me. My eyes grew wide. I wanted to stand up and run, but he'd seen me already. Not to mention, my legs felt like jelly.

"What are you doing?! We were worried sick!" He half yelled.

I looked to him but didn't reply.

His face grew red, "I mean, I had to lie to the guys! I told them that I was getting a drink, but no, I saw you getting into a cab! A cab that's going to the airport! Of all places! Why would you do this?"

I stood up slowly, "I'm leaving, Kenny."

He laughed once, "I can see that. Why didn't you tell us? We could have worked something out. You're lucky John hasn't--"

"I don't want him to know just yet," I said abruptly.

He expression softened, "But why, Deee? What happened? I thought you were happy?"

The moisture gathered behind my eyes, "It seemed like that, didn't it. I'm so sorry, Kennedy. This is just something I need to do."

He held my hand lightly, "Come on, Deee." His voice became so soft. "Do you really have to?"

I pulled him into a hug, "You will always be my best friend. No matter how far apart we are."

I could feel his tears seep onto my shoulder.

The tears began to fall out me as his did.

He pulled away, "You're not going to tell the others?" He wiped away the water marks from his face.

I shook my head, "I'll let them find out."

He sniffled, "What about John?"

I shrugged and looked to my feet, "Tell him I'm sorry."

He nodded, "Will we ever see you again?"

I sighed, "I really don't know, Kenny. It's just so complicated..."

He chuckled, "You were always one to get into situations like this."

I smiled, "Yeah, with you and John."

He smiled, "Yup, with me and John."

Flight 231 to Richmond, Virginia is now boarding...

I looked towards my gate. I let out a small smile, "That's my flight."

He looked to the floor and sighed, "So this really good-bye? This is the end?"

I nodded, "In some ways, yes. But it's only the beginning of a new adventure for me." I looked around again. "I should get going, Kenny."

He nodded to himself, "Bye, Deee."

I hugged him again and kissed his cheek. I whispered into his ear one last time, "Tell John that he'll know when to move on and take a new chance. Live life to its fullest. Even if I'm not there."

He nodded once more before letting me go. He handed me my backpack, "Be safe."

"I will," I reassured before running to the gate. I took one last look at him.

He stood there with that same smile that I came to for comfort. I couldn't help but let one last tear fall before running to where I could no longer see his face.
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*starts crying*