Your Heart in My Hands

You Shit!

"Take off your mask."


"Sorry... You just remind me of someone I used to know."

"Was this someone a girl?"


"Was she special to you?"

He nods.

"Why did you leave her?"

"I just couldn't give her what she wanted."

"What did she want?"

"To be free."

"You shit! I guessed piano, and you said-"

I sat on my couch next to Kennedy on the verge of tears. No matter what I did to prepare myself for this one particular scene, I always cry. It just can't be helped. Damn Kennedy for bringing the movie he knew would make me laugh yet cry.

He chuckled when he saw the salt water slowly dripping from my face.

I glared at him, "Screw you!"

He held up seemingly innocent hands, "Hey! It's not my fault that you cry every time at this scene."

"You did that on purpose, Kennedy!" I accused.

"Maybe I did... Maybe I didn't."

"Don't make me start pelting you with funions."

"You wouldn't."

"I would."

"Fine," he compromised. "I'll stop laughing if, and only if you tell me what the hell is going on between you and John. The poor guy was staring off into space when we started to talk about the new tour."

I sighed, "I said this to John, so I'll say it to you. Nothing is going on."

He said nothing then smirked. He leaned closer to me, "You like him, don't you?"

"Do not."

"Do, too."

"Shut the fuck up, Kennedy! I do not like John!"

"Oh, come on, Deee! We all see how you stare at him with your big anime eyes when he's not looking, or how easily you blush when we tell you that he said you looked really good tonight."

At that very instant, I felt like digging a hole and sticking my head inside. I swear I would leave it there until the sky turned green, "How do you know me so well?"

He smiled, "Paying very close attention through a Buzznet camera comes with some rewards."

"You spy on me with the Buzznet phone?!"

"No! Pat and I were screwing around, and we saw you!"


"Ask Pat!"

"I can't!" I yelled. "I'm going to kill him first!"

"Woah, don't be homicidal. John won't like that," he joked.

"Shut the fuck up, you douche bag!" I yelled as I tackled him off the couch.

We fell to the ground, "Ohkay, ohkay! I'll stop! Don't murder me!"

I rolled my eyes, "Get up." I stood up and lent him my hand.

"Why don't you just tell John already?" He said as he brushed off the carpet lint from his hoodie.

"Well, because... because!"

"That's not a reason!" He retorted.

"UGH!" I sat down on the couch, "I just... I just know he won't say that he feels the same."

He sighed, scratched his head, then sat down next to me, "Is that better than knowing that he'll never find out at all?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry if I got the quotes all wrong.
I was playing by memory ^^