Your Heart in My Hands

Not A Chance

I felt frozen in time as that single sentence escaped Kennedy's lips. Was it the best idea to keep my feelings for John to myself and live with the guilt and revelation as he falls for someone else? Should I just tell him and get it over with then deal with the consequences later?

This is a disaster. Kennedy had to go all psychiatrist on me though, leaving me in the dust. Ugh. My mind is going to explode. No joke about it.

I looked down to my feet, "What should I do, Kenny?" I could hear my voice quiver.

He put his arm around me, "Well, all in all, it's your decision. I mean, I personally think that you should tell him. But if you think things won't go so well by you telling him, then you don't have to."

I rolled my eyes, "That didn't exactly answer my question."

"Oh," he scratched his chin. "Then do whatever you think is best."

"Still didn't answer anything, Kennedy!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I have no advice! Maybe you should just ask Garrett."


"Yah, he's the one with the girlfriend, isn't he?"

"True, but he's a guy."


"Guys do not function the same way as girls do."

He raised an eyebrow in question, "Meaning what exactly?"

"Well, you guys are more daring and shit."

"Point being?"

"I can't do it."

He rolled his eyes, "You can do this. Don't be so negative."

"Says the boy who told Pat to suck it when he said you were the girliest member of the band," I smirked.

"Hey! Those allegations were not true, and you know it!"

I smirked, "Uh huh. Sure."

"They weren't! I thought people loved the Mohawk?!"

I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder, "Of course my purple-loving buddy."

He smiled, "So I take it that you are telling John?"

"Not a chance," I shook my head.

"Awh," he pouted.

"Why do you want me to tell him anyway?"

"Buzznet," he smiled.

"Nothing is secret anymore."

"No, I believe not."

I chuckled, "Come on, let's bring my bags to the van already. We leave tomorrow."

"Yay!" He jumped.

"Where's the first show?"

"Norfolk, Virginia. God, that is such a weird name..."

"What is?" I asked.

"Norfolk," he replied.


"Well, it sounds like a porno movie... Nor-fuck," he shook.

I laughed, "Do not make fun of the poor city."

"I'm not! I'm serious! It sounds like a mix between a Shakespeare play and some low-budget porno film."


"Yup, I will neither kiss Nor-Fuck the fans at the first show," he joked.

"Shut up!" I laughed.

"I bet you five bucks that Alex will make fun of that at their show."

"You're on."

"Get your wallet out."

"Oh, I wouldn't bet on it."
♠ ♠ ♠
My friend is being a poser fan.
She's only becoming a fan of John cause she thinks he's cute, NOT cause she likes his music.