Your Heart in My Hands


When I had woken up, the sun hadn't started to shine above the dim horizon yet. John was sound asleep, still keeping a firm grip on me. I smiled to myself. I hated that I could wake up so early, yet not go back to sleep afterwords though I desperately needed to. So, I remained in the same position in John's arms.

Pat and Tina were asleep side by side, his head resting on hers. Kennedy was still gripping onto his pillow, dead by the looks of it. Garrett fell asleep with his laptop still functioning. Jared had done the same except he had his MP3 player playing absent-mindlessly, deafening him by the second.

The night lights of the city flashed by me, leaving glimmering silver streaks across the sky. John repositioned himself. I tried to say still. I didn't want to wake him. I knew he needed the rest.

I sighed. There were only two things I hated about being the only one awake. One was the prolonged silence. I needed the quiet every now and then, but it's torture if it's for way too long. The other was that my reality always seemed to abruptly stop every single good dream that passed through my thoughts.

My dream, this time, was kind of hazy, but still wonderful all the same. I was with John. Go figure, right? But something was just different in this dream. Usually, I just pictured us talking. Not much. We'd talk about love, and he'd kiss me. But this time, this was different. I hadn't expected to see something like that be in my head.

We were alone. Only it wasn't the same scenery that I always saw. We were in front of the sunrise. We didn't talk. The only thing we did was look into each others eyes. It was unexpected, my reaction to this. Normally I didn't like awkward silences. But here, I found that I could look into his eyes forever. That was the conversation. That was the dream. Us being together without worrying about people staring. Just together. I remember his hair just slightly being blown to the side by a light breeze that still succeeded in giving me goose-bumps. He held that same charming crooked smile on his face.

It was then that I realized that I just couldn't let my love for him disappear. Yes, I said love. Well, I suppose I could, but it wouldn't happen as easily as expected.

John stirred. I kept my position, as if not to wake him.

He smiled, still with his eyes closed, "You were always one to wake up before the sun did."

I giggled silently, "Not my fault."

He let go of me for a moment to sit upright. The chills got to my skin as his warmth left me.

"How did you know I was awake?" I asked quietly.

He sighed, "Your heartbeat always gives you away."

"How so?"

"Well, it gets faster when you're awake or excited about something." He outlined a picture of a heart on my hand.

I smiled and made a shape of a heart with both of my hands. He chuckled and put my right hand down, then completed it again with his own hand. We probably stayed in that position until I was able to spot a sliver of the sun's rays rising up just over the morning boundary.

I looked out the window. John's hand held on to mine softly as I just stared out into the sky.

"I love watching the sunlight hit the horizon in the morning," I said. I soon realized that I said it to myself.

John wasn't looking out the window along with me. He was staring at something else. Well, not something. Someone, more or less.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" My cheeks slowly became red with heat.

He flashed that signature crooked smile of his, "No reason."

I sat back down in my seat, slightly embarrassed for no apparent reason. He still looked at me in that strange and somewhat familiar way.

He sighed, "Only a couple more hours."

"Then what?"

"Then you and I are starting the new song," he smiled.

I raise my eyebrow, "Why don't we start now?"

His grin grew wider, "Well, seeing as I'm wide awake now, let's do it. Any title suggestions?"

"Hm... Well, what were you doing just before you woke up?"

He scratched his chin, "Uhm, dreaming? I think."

I chuckled, "You think?"

"Well, I can't really remember the dream, so I'm going with that."

"Not at all?"

"Nope," he sighed. "It's kind of cloudy, and what ever I do remember I don't really think I should tell you."

I frowned, "Why not?"

"One, you were in it, and two, it's semi-embarrassing."

I smirked, "Semi?"


"Why semi?"

"Well, because it's embarrassing for me, but I'm not really sure how you would react."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, then. Try 'I Must Be Dreaming' for your title."

"It has a nice ring to it," he smiled.

"I'm awesome like that," I moved a stray piece of hair away from his face.

He snickered, "Yes, you are, and so much more."

Damn, you cheeks for blushing so easily. Good thing the sun is still on its way up.