
One Chapter...

No one said I had to get off, just the announcement over head, buzzing in my ears. There were people rushing, rushing to get out into the sunlight, like butterflies, flitting here and there.

The only vibe I got from that place was utter madness.
All around people were shouting and calling to their friends.

Alone. Nobody with me, But I liked it like that. I got lost in my own thought too much people said. Did I ever listen? No. Of course I wouldn’t. Why should I listen to the people who have belittled me my whole life?

Suddenly the station started to empty. People had left and there were abandoned tickets all over the floor. For a few moments my head felt clear of thought but seconds later I heard another train pull in and the station was busy all over again.

The next ten minutes were spent watching this cycle and I saw what seemed like thousands of people rush out as quickly as possible.

Sooner or later I should get off the train but some force was holding onto me. Like an uncertainty, that if I stepped out of this cocoon, anything could happen to me.

There was a clicking coming down the train corridor. ‘Shoes’ I knew they would come soon. Any minute now and I would be kicked off the train. My heart was pounding. I needed to run, and fast but this fear was too much. I curled up into a ball on the seat, even though they would see me, I felt much safer this way.

The ‘clicks’ were getting closer and closer and gradually slower. Finally they stopped. A couple more clicks and someone sat down by me. I hand stroked over my hair and gently brushed past my cheek. I opened my eyes and there was her hand. My mothers hand. She had found me hiding. “Come on Danny.” She whispered gently into my ear and she picked me up off the seat and carried me off the train.