
New York, New York It's A Hell Of A Town...Until Y

I woke up the next day in the exact same spot, with Bob’s head lolling about against the headboard. Ray had his head resting on Bob’s shoulder, Frank’s head was on Ray’s legs and his body was curled up so he could fit on the bed. Mikey and Gerard were curled up together in the middle of the bed, Mikey’s head resting on Bob’s ankles. Cute was the only word to describe it. I reached down into my bag and pulled my camera out from it. I managed to fit everyone in the picture and I took several photos of them. Bob heard the camera flash and his eyes batted open.
“Morning.” he said as he stretched. He didn’t realise Ray was still resting on his shoulder so he hit Ray in face and made him wake up.
“Oww! What was that for?” Ray asked him, rubbing his jaw.
“Sorry babe, I didn’t realise you were there.” Bob apologised to him before leaning over and kissing him. Ray then moved his legs and Frank managed, somehow to fall off the bed and kick Gerard in the process.
“I’m up Jamia!” Frank slurred from the floor.
“You dick Frank, you kicked my head!” Gerard yelled at him, getting up and elbowing Mikey in the ribs as he did.
“Oww, why the fuck did you do that?” Mikey shouted at him. I couldn’t help but laugh at them. I started having a giggle fit and rolling around on the bed when Bob and Ray tickle attacked me. I was gasping for air and laughing my head off at the same time, so was Frankie, Gerard and Mikey had got him.
“Get off me!” I managed to yell at them, struggling for freedom. They finally stopped the torture and let me catch my breath.
“What do you want to do today?” Bob asked me when I could breathe regularly again.
“Umm I dunno.”
“What would you normally do?” Ray asked me.
“Stay in my room.” I muttered. Ray frowned a little then smiled at me.
“Then pick whatever you wanted to do when you couldn’t.” he told me.
“Like go to the movies, go into New York...” Bob suggested.
“Oh can we go into New York please! I’ve never been!” Bob nodded and I hugged him. I think he was kinda shocked that I’d hugged because he didn’t hug me back for a bit. If he was going to adopt me he’d have to get used to it. Soon we were in New York. Wow it was incredible; it was so much for me to take in.
“So where what do you want to do? Sight seeing, go to Central Park...”
“Shopping!” I grinned at him. “Please Bob, I’ve never been here before and I’ve never been on a shopping spree before please!” I puppy dog pouted. Bob gave in.
“Which store first?” I squealed happily and hugged him. I t was great. The guys all bought me stuff Bob and Ray even got me an iPod! Wow! We sat down to eat at a diner and the guys handed me a bag.
“Here it’s from all of us. Be careful with it.” Bob said as he handed it to me. I opened the bag and there was a box in it. I opened up the box and there was a laptop inside. My very own laptop!
“Oh my God thank you so much!” I hugged each of them. “Thanks for everything today. It’s been great.” They all smiled at me.
“You’re welcome.” We all chatted as we ate our meals, but Frank and Bob were acting weird. Ray kept on nudging Bob and giving him weird looks. Bob would then glance at me and shrug at Bob. Freaky. Maybe they were horny. Who knew and if they were I didn’t want to know. After eating we went to Central Park and hung out there for the afternoon. The played tig and the guys all gave me piggy backs. I really did feel like I was in a family. Then when we got back to the hotel and I was sat in my room my feelings changed. Instead of feeling happy I felt guilty. I shouldn’t be having fun. I shouldn’t be saying I felt like part of a family. Part of a different family anyway. My parents and my brother were dead and I was out having fun, getting presents having the best day of my life since July 5 2003. It all came rushing back to me.