
Would I Have Kissed her...

(Frank’s POV)
I climbed onto the roof and took out a new cigarette, lit it, put it between me lips, sucked on it and sighed. What the fuck had just happened? Was I about to kiss Charlotte? Why would I want to kiss Charlotte? She was Ray and Bob’s kid now! But I have been thinking about her a lot and she is kinda pretty…Shuttup brain Shuttup! I took another puff on the cigarette and rubbed my forehead. I was just being stupid, I loved Jamia. Even though we had been arguing a lot recently. Nearly all the time actually. Over silly small things like not replying to a text or an email. When I first told her about Charlotte she did kinda freak out then just sorta didn’t take interest in her when I told her about Charlotte. It was just because I missed Charlotte that was it. I did sorta sometimes get the feeling I missed Charlotte in a different way to the others. I finished my cigarette and as I climbed down the ladder I wondered…would I have kissed Charlotte if Bob hadn’t walked in?