
'Special' Sauce...

I fell on my bed and cried into my pillow, still hearing them argue. Then Gerard screamed at them all to shut up, he could hear me crying. They stopped arguing. There was silence. I could hear them mumbling sometimes but that was it. Later I heard on a knock on my door and people come in.
“Sorry.” I sniffled; I couldn’t see who it was because I was facing the other way. I felt some more weight on the bed and someone stroke my hair.
“Its ok sweetheart, we’re all sorry too.” I heard Bob say. I nodded into my pillow.
“You want some ice cream?” I heard Frank ask me. I shrugged.
“You can pick the flavour.” Ray said.
“Can I have sprinkles?” I asked.
“Ok.” I said jumping off the bed. They all hugged me (Mikey and Gee were there too.) and we went downstairs. For the record Mikey makes the best sundaes ever! He made me one with lots of sprinkles, chocolate chips and marshmallows! He let the rest of the guys make their own though, Bob and Ray just put nuts on their sundaes for topping and I’m pretty sure when Ray said he had to go upstairs for something he took the chocolate sauce with him raising his eyebrows at Bob as he passed him.
“What did you go upstairs for?” I asked Ray when he came back empty handed.
“Hey where did the chocolate sauce go?” Mikey said coming out of the kitchen with a sundae that had no sauce.
“Eww!” Frankie caught on. He’d cheered up a bit after we put Nightmare before Christmas on for him.
“What?” Mikey said still clueless. Gee now knew what must have happened because he was snorting into his ice cream.
“I’ll have strawberry instead.” Mikey muttered going back into the kitchen. Bob shot a look at Ray.
“What?” Ray asked him.
“None of you guys have strawberry do you?” he asked me, Gee and Frank. We shook our heads.
“Why?” Gee asked him after swallowing some ice cream. Bob lowered his voice.
“Ray remember that special sauce we made, with the strawberry sauce?” Bob air quoted the word special.
“Oh yeah…” Ray began to smirk then his face froze. “Please tell me you didn’t.” he said to Bob.
“I kinda forgot and left it in the fridge.” Bob said looking towards the kitchen. Ray got up and ran into the kitchen.
“What’s up with him?” Frank asked his face full of ice cream. Bob said something to Frank in his ear watching Ray whisper something in Mikey’s ear. Mikey pulled a weird face like he was groced out and handed Ray the bottle of ‘strawberry’ sauce. Frank just looked at Bob.
“Well whatever floats your boat.” Frank said before digging into some more ice cream.
“What?” Gerard asked them and Frank whispered something in his ear. Gerard screwed up his face then shrugged his shoulders and carried on eating. I’ll just pretend I’m the innocent little girl that has no idea what they’re talking about and doesn’t know a thing about boy sex.