

We drove back to the house, Bob and Ray talking while I sat and pretended to listen. Frank was just walking up our street as we pulled up. He ran up to our house just as we got out the car.
“Hey guys, I was just wondering if Lottie wanted to grab a coffee so I could talk about touring and shit, while you guys get some alone time.” he panted, worn out from running. Bob and Ray looked at each other and raised their eyebrows.
“Sure Frankie. How long you gonna be?” Ray asked.
“I dunno, I was thinking about taking her to see that movie she wanted to see as well.” Frankie shrugged. Ray and Bob smiled at each other.
“Hey, I got an idea!” Bob said. “How about Lottie stops over at yours Frankie, you’ve got that spare room right?”
“Sure, that’s ok with you Lottie right?” HELL FUCKING YEAH IT’S OK!!!!
“Yeah, sounds cool.” I nodded a little. “I’ll just go grab some clothes.” I said and left Frank waiting outside as me, Bob and Ray rushed inside. It was a race upstairs. I got before them all, shoved clothes in a bag, some nice underwear and crap then ran back down.
“Bye Fro Daddy, bye Muscle Daddy!” I yelled as I slammed the door and leapt into Frankie’s arms.
“So we’ve got the whole night together.” I grinned and bit my lip. Frankie put me down and linked my arm through his and we started walking.
“Umm, actually I want to talk about last night.” he said.
“Shit, I’m sooo fucking sorry, I was awful weren’t I? But it was my fucking first time doing that...” I began babbling and Frankie pushed a finger on my lips.
“No, that was fucking amazing! But umm, I can’t really remember if I umm...”
“Used a condom?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“Well. Yeah.” he blushed. “I thought we didn’t but I actually really can’t remember.” I sighed and giggled. “I don’t think it’s funny!” Frank’s eyes widened, he opened his mouth in shock and shook his head. His face was fucking priceless!
“Frank, don’t fucking worry. We did use protection you idiot. Do you really think I’d let that near me without a condom on?” I asked pointing to his dick. “I just kinda put it Bob’s bin instead of mine when we’d used them.” I shrugged.
“Naughty girl.” Frank grinned. “Do you wanna get a coffee or just go straight to mine?” I raised an eyebrow at him.
“What do you think?” I smirked then we began running to Frankie’s house...